
By Margaret Ogbebor SSMA Growth is an evidence of life. Where there is life, there is hope and our hope would not fail us. If we place our hope on a strong foundation, there is always an assurance that we are going to make a head way because “we are saved by hope; but hope […]


By Margaret Ogbebor SSMA

Growth is an evidence of life. Where there is life, there is hope and our hope would not fail us. If we place our hope on a strong foundation, there is always an assurance that we are going to make a head way because “we are saved by hope; but hope that is seen is not hope; for what a man sees, why does he yet hope for” (Romans 8:24). What we hope for has not yet been revealed to us because whatever is revealed, we no longer hope for it. But as Christians by the virtue of our hope we are convinced that our sufferings are not in vain and we begin to forge ahead due to the fact that our future is bright and certain. When we stop to grow we begin to die which means there is no life and life give birth to development because when things grow, they begin to develop and where there is development there is always changes both in size and value. These sizes and values are not only physical but also spiritual. Our growth as Christians should be holistic in nature that is, Physical, Spiritual, moral and Educational. When a man wants to grow, he would make a firm decision within himself because to grow one need to make effort and work hard to attain such state. Growth in man involves all his being put together.  It is not one person’s effort. One needs the intercession of the Holy Spirit who has the power of transforming us to be what God actually wants us to be. Transformation is a gradual process because you cannot force anybody to change; it is only the Holy Spirit that is capable of changing any man from old to new, from sinner to saint. When the time comes no one can stop him (Holy Spirit) because He is the mover of every unmoveable thing, the breaker of every yoke and the exposer of every secret. For growth to be visible in our lives we need the help of the Holy Spirit to help us in the process and we need also to cooperate with him.

However, for growth to take place, there are some factors that are responsible for it. These factors are the stimulant that brings about this growth. They are numerous; firstly there is need for “identification”. By this I mean that the person who needs growth should identify the area where he wants the Holy Spirit to work. If there is no identification it would be very difficult for growth to take place. Through identification, we give the Holy Spirit the authority to start his operation in our lives (growth).  Many a times this operation may begin through counselling, preaching, experiences or even words from the scripture. It depends on the one the Holy Spirit wants to use as an instrument to bring about growth.   Zacchaeus recognised this (Identification) when he met with Jesus, he was able to identify that he was greedy and has cheated many; he wanted to grow beyond his weakness. He was the first to make the move towards growth. At first when he heard of Jesus coming, he went and climbed a sycamore tree that was the first move later he invited Jesus to his house, he realised that he had been very unjust to so many, he opened the door of his heart for growth and the Holy Spirit used the words of Jesus (preaching) as a tool to bring life to the area (greed) of his life that needed growth. When Jesus saw his willingness for growth He said “Today salvation had come to this house” (Luke 19:9). Identification is very important if really we want to grow.

Another step towards growth is “acceptance”, if there is no acceptance, growth will not come, because it cannot force its way to us. Whenever we accept our short comings and weaknesses, we are telling the Lord that we cannot do it alone, that he should help us. In Mark 9:14- 27, we saw how the disciples of Jesus were trying to cast out demons in Jesus’s absent and they were unable to. At Jesus’s arrival He asked the father of the child, do you belief and he said “Yes I belief help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24) the father of the child accepted that his faith was very little and he wanted Jesus to help increase his faith. We need to accept our inability and ask God for grace to move ahead to growth. Another step toward growth is “transformation”, it brings about total change, total reform and complete growth. This begins from the inner self and then it reflects to the outer world. Transformation is not something hidden due to the fact that there must be a reflection to testify what is happening in the inner self. The grace of God through the power of the Holy Spirit helps to make this (transformation) possible. When a person is totally transformed you do not need anybody to tell you that something had happened in the life of this person, it would eventually show.

There are some people in the Bible that God had transformed their lives for the better. They left their old ways of life (death) and entered a new life (growth). In the Act of the Apostles 9:1-19 we saw how Saul encountered Jesus Christ on his way to Damascus when he was planning to kill more Christians. He was struck by the power of God. He was known for his work of persecution of Christians and still wishes to do more until they (Christians) totally renounce the person of Jesus Christ. But when the time for him to be transformed came, he could not resist it he had no other choice than to give in to the power of God. The transformation did not only affect the inner self, it also reflected on his physical appearance. His name was changed from Saul to Paul. His way of life changed because he is now a new creature, old things have passed away. (2 Corinthians 5:17 ). Initially people were not aware of his new state later they realised it because of his new behaviour. His old self was put to death and the new self was given life (growth). No man has the power of transformation; it is only God through the power of the Holy Spirit that can make this possible.

In John 3:1-21 Nicodemus one of the Pharisees who foresaw his need for transformation (born again) sought Jesus by night he discovered that his old ways of life did not fit him that he needed something better for a change(new life) he had no better option than to seek Jesus who has the power of turning things around. Jesus did not hide the truth from him, he gave him the clue of all he needs to know and how he could be transformed to become a new creature. He made the first move (Identification) by coming to Jesus to ask about what he needed to do to inherit eternal life despite Jesus’s explanation he did not understand. Jesus foresaw his lack of knowledge on spiritual things he was willing to know more (acceptance) he tried all he could to attain growth (transformation).

Growth is an increase either in size or value. It brings about development. The true source of growth is life. There are factors that are responsible for the growth of man (Identification, acceptance and transformation) making him to look like his creator (God). Growth is made for all; plant, animal or man. Each of these has its own means to attain growth but our growth as human beings is very important because we are made in the image and likeness of God. As Christians we should pay more attention to our spiritual growth rather than material development for the scripture says “what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his life” (Matthew 16:26).

Sr Margret Ogbebor SSMA is a Catholic Nun, working in the Catholic Diocese of Sokoto. She is the Head Teacher of St Martin de Porres Nursery and Primary School Katsina. [email protected]