Guide to Beniseed (Sesame) production

(Recommended by  the National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.  Compiled by Vincent A. Yusuf) The following are recommended for beniseed production based on research and experiences from the National Cereals Research Institute (NCRI) Badeggi Niger State and other agricultural research development organisations in Nigeria. Site selection Beniseed is adaptable to […]

Guide to Beniseed (Sesame) production

(Recommended by  the National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.  Compiled by Vincent A. Yusuf)

The following are recommended for beniseed production based on research and experiences from the National Cereals Research Institute (NCRI) Badeggi Niger State and other agricultural research development organisations in Nigeria.

Site selection

Beniseed is adaptable to many types of soils, it does best on well drained fertile soils of loamy texture. The selected site for beniseed production should be fairly flat and well drained loamy or loam soil.

Site clearing

The cut down thrash should be parked to the edge of the farm. Burning should be minimized in order not to destroy some of the essential soil elements and micro-organisms.

Soil tillage

Plough and harrow one week after clearing. This will loosen the soil lumps into fine texture, for easy germination and rooting of seedlings. Hoes can also be used to loosen the soil if the farm is small or tractor service is not available.

Beniseed varieties: NCRIBEN O1m (530-6-10) matures between 102-115,  NCRIBEN-02M,  TYPE 4 also takes 102-115 days while  NCRIBEN O -3l (Goza-25 ) takes 125-140 days. Yandev -55 takes 125 days while E-8 matures in 90 days.

Planting date

Beniseed is planted at different times in different ecological zones. The presentation below gives a generalized guide. But adjustments may need to be made depending on when the rains are fully established.

Guinea savanna: · Early planting is by March/April · Late planting is by mid-July/year August

Sudan Savanna Planting should be conducted as from the last week of June to first week of July

Sahel Savanna Planting should be conducted by the first rain which usually occurs between June and July. 

Method of planting I. Plant on flat with inter-row and intra-row spacing of 60cm x 10 cm · Planting seed by drilling on flat beds makes the operation very easy. · The spacing between plants will ensure vigorous growth and high yield. A tractor, where available, can be used to draw the lines for seed drilling for large-scale production ii. Planting on ridges at an inter-row and intra-row of 75 x 15 cm is also recommended. Planting on ridges is ideal when Beniseed is grown as intercrop with other crops. iii. Planting by broadcasting is useful where area of cultivation is small. 6

Seed rate 

The recommended seed rates are: 5kg/ha where planting method is by broadcasting; 4kg/ha when planting is by drilling on flat land and 3.5kg/ha when the drilling is an ridges. 


When your plants have fully germinated, thin the plants at three weeks after planting (WAP) to about 2 plants per stand along the rows, this permits maintenance of appropriate plant density and also alleviates the attendant problems associated with high-density. Leaving too many plants per stand will make the plants grow tall excessively and induce lodging. 

Fertilizer application · Beniseed does not required much fertilizer except where the soil is very poor. · NPK fertilizer is required where the soil fertility is low. /two bags of NPK fertilizer  is enough to fertilize one hectare.