Gun spokeswoman attacks Chimamanda stance on chivalry (with video)

Author Chimamanda Adichie’s latest comments on chivalry may have touched off the nerves of gun lobby group in the US. On Thursday, Dana Loesch, a US political activist and spokesperson for the National Rifle Association, said Adichie should “worry about female genital mutilation” instead of calling out sexism in Western culture. In an interview with […]

Gun spokeswoman attacks Chimamanda stance on chivalry (with video)

Author Chimamanda Adichie’s latest comments on chivalry may have touched off the nerves of gun lobby group in the US.

On Thursday, Dana Loesch, a US political activist and spokesperson for the National Rifle Association, said Adichie should “worry about female genital mutilation” instead of calling out sexism in Western culture.

In an interview with Trevor Noah on The Daily Show to talk about her book “A feminist manifesto in 15 Suggestions”, Adichie talked about equality, captured in a simple act as holding a door open to someone else.

“I think gestures like holding the door shouldn’t be gender-based,” Adichie had said.

“I’m quite happy for people to hold the door for me. But I hope they’re not doing it because of this sort of idea of chivalry.

“Because chivalry is really about the idea that women are somehow weak and need protecting. But we know that really, there are many women who are stronger than many men.”

But her response to the question about chivalry sparked intense reaction about what her priorities should be.

On Fox and Friends, Loesch in response to a question about Adichie’s stance, attacked the author’s understanding of chivalry.

“I don’t think that she understands quite the concept of chivalry, which was a code of conduct for gentlemen and also about empowering and supporting women during mediaeval times. In modern era, I think it’s been greatly abused,” Loesch said.

“With all due respect to Adichie — and I’m familiar with her — I think it’s a luxury of third-way feminism to complain about holding doors open for people where her country, Nigeria, it ranks top in the world for female genital mutilation, which I think is far more of a disservice to women and far more suppressive than someone courteously opening the door for someone else.”