Half of humanity confined, Masks ‘confiscated’, latest developments in the coronavirus crisis

Here are the latest developments in the coronavirus crisis: – More than one million cases – More than 1,130,204 cases of infection, including 60,457 deaths, have been reported in 190 countries and territories around the world since the virus first emerged in China in December, according to an AFP tally compiled around 1330 GMT Saturday […]

Half of humanity confined, Masks ‘confiscated’, latest developments in the coronavirus crisis

Worshippers sit in an almost empty auditorium of the Methodist Church of Trinity, Tinubu in compliance to government restriction on social gatherings in Lagos, on March 22, 2020. – Nigeria, the most populated country in Africa, on March 21, 2020 tightened restrictions in three states on places of worship, airports and bars to try and protect its population against the new COVID-19 coronavirus. In Lagos state, Abuja and Ogun, churches, mosques, social gatherings, football viewing centres and night clubs must restrict attendance to 50 people, according to new regulations drawn up by the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 coronavirus. (Photo by PIUS UTOMI EKPEI / AFP)

Here are the latest developments in the coronavirus crisis:

– More than one million cases –
More than 1,130,204 cases of infection, including 60,457 deaths, have been reported in 190 countries and territories around the world since the virus first emerged in China in December, according to an AFP tally compiled around 1330 GMT Saturday based on official sources.

Italy has the highest official death toll with 14,681 fatalities. Spain follows with 11,744, the United States with 7,159, France with 6,507 and Britain with 4,313.

– Maldives reports first cases –
Two hotel employees test positive for the virus at a luxury resort in the Maldives, marking the first cases reported in the upmarket holiday destination.

– China pauses in memory of victims –
China comes to a standstill on Saturday to mourn the more than 3,000 lives claimed by the virus on the mainland.

Nationwide at 10 am (0200 GMT) the country observes a three-minute silence. Cars, trains and ships sound their horns, air-raid sirens ring out and flags fly at half-staff.

– Economic cost –
The pandemic could cost the global economy $4.1 trillion, equivalent to 4.8 percent of worldwide output, as it ravages major economies, the Asian Development Bank warns.

In the US, employment plunged by 701,000 in March and the jobless rate surged to 4.4 percent, the Labor Department reports.

Latin America is heading into “a deep recession” in 2020, the UN says.

– Food shortages –
The pandemic threatens to cause food shortages for hundreds of millions of people, especially in Africa, who depend on imports of foodstuffs paid for by exports, the World Food Programme says.

– Half of humanity confined –
More than 3.9 billion people — half of the world’s population — have been called on or obliged by their authorities to stay at home in more than 90 countries or territories, according to an AFP database.

– Airborne transmission? –
Anthony Fauci, head of infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health and aide to US President Donald Trump, says the virus might spread through the air via normal breathing and speaking, “as opposed to coughing and sneezing.”

Trump’s administration suggests widespread use of simple masks or scarves to help deter the spread of the virus, though the US leader says he will not be following this advice himself.

– Masks ‘confiscated’ –
A top Berlin official accuses the US of having “confiscated” a delivery of 200,000 Chinese-made FFP2 masks, bound for Germany at a Bangkok airport, as competition for protective gear against the coronavirus heats up.

– ‘Hope’ or ‘worst yet to come’ –
German Chancellor Angela Merkel says the latest figures which show the spread of the coronavirus is slowing in Germany are a cause for “hope”, but that it is too early to relax restrictions on public life.

However UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says “the worst is yet to come,” and COVID-19 is just arriving in theatres of conflict like Syria, Libya and Yemen, repeating his call for a global ceasefire.

– Queen Elizabeth to speak –
Queen Elizabeth II will make a rare special broadcast on Sunday to Britain and the Commonwealth on the coronavirus pandemic. It will be her fourth such broadcast in her 68-year reign. (AFP)