Halting ethnic and religious attacks in the north

Northerners did not suffer discrimination, denial of job opportunities and access to developm

Halting ethnic and religious attacks in the north

By A. A. Gadzama

The insurgency in the North East and acts of banditry in the North Central and North West are security challenges that have aggravated insecurity in the country. The failure of elites especially the political class and those in government has also betrayed the trust and expectations of northerners and there is pent-up anger all over the northern states.

The North under Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Sardauna of Sokoto enjoyed unprecedented progress and unity among its diverse people and emerged as a model for other parts of the country. The prevailing disaffection and hostility among groups in the North is principally due to disruptive politics, abuse of governance opportunity and lack of fear of God. Wanton corruption, discrimination and alienation of groups have only worsened the situation.

Northerners did not suffer discrimination, denial of job opportunities and access to development until recently. All children from the region were, for example, encouraged to go to school by the government in the 50s and 60s. A retired Airforce General recalled at a seminar in Kaduna in 1993 how they were drafted into the Nigerian Army by the Sardauna of Sokoto, who led recruitment and employment drives for brilliant northerners. Others were sponsored to institutions of higher learning abroad to study medicine, engineering and related professional fields. People from the North enjoyed such opportunities on the basis of equality, merit and suitability. Nobody was denied sponsorship because of where they come from or their ethnic and religious affiliation.

Religious tolerance was encouraged in all schools and communities as a matter of policy, following the example of the Sardauna of Sokoto and his circle of regional representatives. The North was a model of religious tolerance and all-inclusive governance with a fair representation of all ethnic groups and parts of the region. Pupils from all ethnic and religious groups were similarly encouraged to imbibe the virtues of religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence. Northerners learnt from childhood to be their brothers’ keeper.

Ethnic and religious tolerance, peaceful co-existence and unity were imbibed in elite secondary schools like Barewa College, Zaria. Teachers never tolerated anything done to offend the sensibility of others. Schools in Borno State enjoyed religious freedom and encouraged religious tolerance. Many Muslims had their secondary and teacher education in the Waka Missionary schools. An Emir confided that he was encouraged to send his daughters to Saint Louis Christian School in Jos because of the high standard of teaching and discipline.

All the achievements made then, however, seem to have been lost because of corruption and insensitivity to the plight of others. The conduct of most of our leaders now does not show they have a sense of history.

The dastardly incident that took place in Plateau State last week exposed the time bomb on which many states in the north are sitting. To make matters worse, in many of them, there is an unbelievably high level of underdevelopment and youth unemployment, especially graduates, because there are no alternative sources of employment as even the civil service jobs go to children of the privileged few. Unlike in many states in other parts of the country, there are no industries to absorb the teeming number of unemployed youths. Brazen nepotism and favouritism have worsened insecurity and the plight of educated youths, especially in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe States.

To compound the situation, local government councils in most of these states have collapsed. They no longer address lack of employment and development.

Informed interrogation of the fragile security situation in the North reveals many other factors. The inability of the security agencies to frankly tell political leadership the truth and to counter emerging threats to security is an indication of flawed leadership. Those in leadership positions in governments, at all levels, have failed to positively impact the lives of the ordinary people. The docility of the people especially the elites who merely indulge in blaming President Muhammadu Buhari is among other factors provoking diverse narrow sentiments.

The incident at Bassa was avoidable if the security forces were alert and other stakeholders were responsive to the plight of all people in the area. Were other stakeholders not aware of the latent and brewing ethnic and religious animosity in the area before the carnage erupted? The eruption of such deadly disturbance is the consequence of neglecting pervasive anger and hostility in many parts of Plateau State, a place previously known as the home of peace and religious harmony. Southern Kaduna for the same reason has become an epicenter of acts of hostility between ethnic communal groups. The tendency for governments and the security forces to react to incidents rather than pre-empt them is inimical to national security.

There can only be security where there is inclusiveness, good governance, fairness and access to democratic dividends to all and sundry. The protection of lives and property is a critical responsibility of all governments and any failure questions the capacity of the leadership. In the interim, everything must be done to arrest the brewing urge for vengeance.

The following measures should be taken immediately:

A thorough investigation of the incident and prosecution of culprits.

Reinforcement of security in the area to forestall retaliation and recurrence.

All areas vulnerable to similar clashes should be identified and preventive measures emplaced.

All stakeholders who can defuse tension in the areas and in parts of Kaduna State be mobilised to forestall further mayhem.

The strength of security operatives in all crisis-prone areas be increased.

The Sultan of Sokoto and the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) to pacify all parties to the prevailing tension in the North.

Governors in the North must address problems of alienation, non- inclusion and failure to positively impact the lives of the citizenry in their states.

Deliberate steps be taken to solve the problems of school dropouts and unemployment of school leavers.

Governments in the North redouble efforts to extend the benefits of democracy to all citizens and areas.

Current security strategies and deployments be reviewed and strengthened.

Lopsidedness in development project allocation of states  be redressed.

Conscious efforts be made to address intolerance and discrimination in all states in the country especially in the North.

Those in political leadership owe the people good and unbiased leadership and the benefits of democracy.

Areas and issues that could snowball into mutual hostility be addressed.


A. A. Gadzama mni, OFR is the Chairman, National Institute for Security Studies Bwari Abuja