Handling the truth, how well can you cope?

Truth comes in different forms in our lives, and on several occasions we have had to come to terms and confront different truths of different magnitude, some that were hidden from us while some hidden by us, refusing to believe that it was really happening to us until it dawns on us that it is […]

Handling the truth, how well can you cope?
Handling the truth, how well can you cope?

Truth comes in different forms in our lives, and on several occasions we have had to come to terms and confront different truths of different magnitude, some that were hidden from us while some hidden by us, refusing to believe that it was really happening to us until it dawns on us that it is the basic truth.

“I have lost it since I came to realize the truth. It has really been a big blow for me as I do not seem to be able to focus on anything again since I came to know the disgusting truth.  I fear I might do something nasty to myself or the person that hid the truth from me. Please, tell me why is the truth so bitter and hard to handle and please I would be grateful if you could tell me how best to handle the truth when I am confronted with it, because right now I am in a state of distress,” these were the words of Maryam Muhammed who wrote in to express her dilemma.

You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth is a famous line from the movie “A few good men” and this applies to almost everyone in life. There are many of us that find ourselves in this kind of situation and find it very difficult to handle the truth when we come face to face with it. Likewise, many have asked questions about handling the truth and even asked if it causes destruction of relationships and dreams. Of course, when it becomes difficult to handle the truth it definitely destroys relationships and most especially you because if you do not handle it properly it ends up shattering everything about you which affects almost everything in your life.

So many people have said that the truth heals and they have equally asked that if the truth heals why is it so difficult handle the truth, why are we so afraid of the very thing that would set us free and feel better and so much at peace? The question is worth asking. And the alternative is worth imagining too.

Sometimes the truth grabs us right where it hurts and strangles life out of us. maybe the truth was slapped unexpectedly on us and it made us realize that everything that we were doing were just false and were not working but something has got to give in and change; we never give truth the chance to change things in our lives as we just get trapped in a whirlwind of emotion which makes it difficult for us to move and forge ahead in life.

We all have times when we can’t ‘handle the truth. Hearing the truth about ourselves truly takes courage and a little faith. Truth like suffering has the distinctive capacity to improve the quality of our life, if we are willing to accept it.  Unwillingness to hear and accept the truth is one of the reasons some people are a failure at relationships and marriages.  Until we learn to accept and even embrace the truth about the reality in our lives it will be difficult to make a meaningful legacy in life.

The world is full of different opportunities, so is the truth. Sometimes when faced with realities in our lives we are forced to change our lives in many different ways. If you are determined to look forward, look for these opportunities. There are millions of scenarios in life and no one can tell you what to do. Your life is unique and you are the only one capable of applying the concepts to your situation. It will take some time to sort yourself out when you discover the truth but do not lose heart because the world is endless. 

The truth is that there are always truths to be said and discovered and when you find it you discover a new and better new towards living life meaningfully. It may be dark and lonely at first but with strong will and faith you will be able to handle whatever truth is made known to you. Because truth is dynamically vital to maintaining a rewarding relationship, we need to be able to handle it well, and for us to be able to handle the truth we have to have an open mind and heart. Remember, the truth sets us free. The sooner we accept it the better for us.

The truth can be a very painful thing. We will find ourselves repeating words such as “I wish I didn’t know” many times in our lives. Unfortunately, dealing with the truth is a part of growing and learning. It is essential to becoming the people that we are.

Yes, we really do want to know the truth. The truth is what changes the world. It might be sick and disgusting at times, it might be enough to make your toes curl and your hair stand on end, but it’s a necessary evil at times.


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