Happiness begins with you!

Happiness radiates from within us. We will have to search for happiness within ourselves which is sometimes difficult to find because we often depend on others for it and believing that if we can’t find it from them, we can never find it anywhere around us. But this notion is not true as true happiness […]

Happiness begins with you!
Happiness begins with you!

Happiness radiates from within us. We will have to search for happiness within ourselves which is sometimes difficult to find because we often depend on others for it and believing that if we can’t find it from them, we can never find it anywhere around us. But this notion is not true as true happiness only comes from within us. True happiness comes when we are happy with ourselves and when this is possible every other thing will fall into place.

 “One thing happy people know is that they don’t get to be happy all the time. They can appreciate the moments, the little victories, the small miracles, and the little disappointments that come along with life from time to time”, says Benjamin Demeji.

For many people, happiness has remained rather elusive because they feel they can never find it themselves without the help of others or in other words, if people are not happy with them for one thing or the other, they can never by happy. They have tried to buy happiness.  

For others, they have tried to force happiness on themselves or on others, while some people have sought it through pleasurable activities but nothing has seemed to work for them because happiness is never bought or faked.

“One way to steer your life toward happiness is simply to count your blessings, when you stop your negative thinking and start counting your blessings only then would you realise how happy you are to be able to have such blessings and what is more than a happy life of blessings”, asks Hajiya Bilkis Sadiq.

Some think they can find happiness from a book while others think that it comes from having riches or material things and if that is true, how come we still have many people who have all the wealth in this world but still cannot find happiness while those who have nothing but are jus t managing with life are still a hundred percent happier than those who are wealthy.

There are instances in this life that shows that happiness can never be bought with any amount of money. So the question is, where and how can we truly find happiness?

The real source of happiness does not come from outside us, it has always been around us and even within us. Happiness is a state of mind which no one can give to us but can be given by ourselves and us alone. There is no need to buy books or to seek the services of a shrink or accumulate material things in order to be happy.

To make ourselves happy we should try and appreciate every moment in our life because life is such a tremendous blessing. The fact that we are alive to witness another day is a strong reason for us to be happy because it might be a chance for us to right our wrongs and correct our mistakes as many never has that opportunity to correct their mistakes before they leave this world. See the good in every situation and be thankful and appreciate it. If you maintain this outlook, the joy and happiness that builds up inside of you will eventually flow and people will notice the difference in you.

Do you really want to be happy in this world? If your answer is yes then you have to stop whining, complaining or seeing everything that happens around you or in every situation you find yourself from a negative perspective.

Revise your thinking and outlook towards life. Forget about what others think about you as they can never give you the happiness you deserve or desire. Moreover people they are bound to make you feel inferior so that they can always have an edge over you if you give them the chance to do so.  You have to realise that only you can make yourself happy. Likewise no one can make you unhappy except you give them the opportunity to do so.

The most important thing in life is to live in the present, while letting go of the past and future.  So, please stop complaining and appreciate each and every moment in your life. Do not wait for happiness to come to you; you can always make it happen if you so desire. Understand that the choice is yours for you to determine whether to be happy, that is if others have the right to determine when you ought to be happy or not!


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