Happy World Meal Gate:Eliminating the hunger & malnutrition scourge

The hunger and malnutrition scourge is daily assuming a monstrous dimension in Nigeria and the African continent. The statistics are horrendous and alarming as they come. Most worrisome is the unending string of conflicts in the middle –belt and north-east regions of Nigeria; which greatly compromises the food security and nutrition of millions of Nigerians […]

Happy World Meal Gate:Eliminating the hunger & malnutrition scourge
Happy World Meal Gate:Eliminating the hunger & malnutrition scourge

The hunger and malnutrition scourge is daily assuming a monstrous dimension in Nigeria and the African continent. The statistics are horrendous and alarming as they come. Most worrisome is the unending string of conflicts in the middle –belt and north-east regions of Nigeria; which greatly compromises the food security and nutrition of millions of Nigerians domiciled within such identified troubled spots. It might interest you to know that Nigeria has one of the highest number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP)camps in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sadly the numbers keeps increasing by the day.

Recently the World Food Programme (WFP) released some terrifying facts as it relates to hunger and malnutrition in Nigeria. According to the planet’s apex food security outfit,Nigeria is a food deficit country and is Africa’s largest importer of rice. Also one third of children under five(5) are stunted,that is twice the rate of Thailand and three times that of Tunisia. Not done,the WFP equally posits that a child in the remote north-western region of Nigeria,where stunting rates are around fifty-five percent;is four times more likely to experience malnutrition than a child in the south. Other salient areas the WFP report focused on were the underlying effects of insurgency which has left a large part of the displaced population without access to adequate food.

To corroborate the findings of the WFP, Action Contre La Faim(Action Against Hunger) acknowledged that the food crisis situation in parts of Nigeria(with particular reference to the north-east)combined with that of Yemen,South Sudan and Central African Republic represented the worst humanitarian crisis and suffering since World War II.

It is imperative to note that millions of Nigerians daily go to bed hungry. You would recall that between early 2016 and mid-2017 there was a preponderance of cases involving theft of raw and cooked food items, presumably due to hunger. Most worrisome and grossly pathetic were cases where people allegedly ‘sold’ their children for food!

From the foregoing, it is clear that the evil duo of hunger and malnutrition are inarguably one of the greatest challenges facing our nation presently.

How then can we tackle this imbroglio? What is the way forward? Why is food security on the front burner? Do we just sit back and watch the government and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) continually grapple with this monster? Basically, much more can be done and this is where Happy World Meal Gate steps in.

Now to the crux of the matter. What is Happy World Meal Gate all about?

Happy World Meal Gate is a passionate and dynamic network marketing company of African extraction with the novel solution to the clear and present danger of hunger and rising food insecurity. We are on a mission to bring smiles to peoples faces through the provision of basic needs (food items) and financial empowerment. Our peculiar niche and unique selling proposition is our sustainable food/reward system. We neither sell products nor supplements. Our system embraces all strata of society and ensures that as soon as a person subscribes and meets stipulated requirements, they are continuously rewarded as they ascend the various stages.

The conveners comprise of noble, distinguished, credible and tested men and women of impeccable character in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa. These men and women have come together to forge a formidable alliance against Africa’s numero uno scourge. At Happy World,we firmly believe in two cardinal tenets. Firstly,the democracy of the stomach is the right of every Nigerian and secondly, food systems must be resilient and sustainable in all ramifications.

Signing up to our platform is transparent, seamless and devoid of gimmicks. At the point of registration with $32, you begin to ascend the various stages namely: Food Farm Stage, Stage 1(Green Garden), Stage 2(Golden Garden), Stage 3(Great Garden); Stage 4(Famous Farm) and Stage 5(Food Bank) respectively. Each stage comes with a bouquet of benefits such as free food items, cash and a combination of the two. The later stages harbors the grand prizes of brand new cars and all-expense paid return tickets to Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Israel.

What are the verifiable benefits? From the length and breadth of Nigeria, we have empowered and keep empowering hundreds of thousands of people. The testimonies are as fresh as the break of dawn. Individuals and indigent families, who hitherto struggled to feed themselves, now do so effortlessly, conveniently and have gone ahead to launch their respective businesses! We have created jobs and continually ensure that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR),agriculture and the ‘Buy Nigeria’ campaign remains an intrinsic part of our mandate. Recently, during our first year anniversary celebration; we gave out several brand new cars and all-expense paid return tickets to Dubai, Israel and Saudi Arabia to deserving Stage 4 members. Without an iota of doubt,our score sheet in the last one year,speaks volumes.

Our corporate head office is located in Lagos,the commercial nerve centre of Nigeria. We currently have branch offices in FCT Abuja, Ibadan, Port Harcourt, Makurdi and Kaduna. In no time, other states will witness our presence in grand style. Not done with resting on our oars, Happy World Meal Gate is replicating this bespoke formula in Ghana, Cameroun, Cote d’ Ivoire, Togo, Uganda and Benin Republic. A visit to www.happyworldmealgate.org

and our social media handles on Facebook (happyworldmealgate), Twitter(@happyworldmeal), Instagram(@happyworldmealgate_official) and YouTube(Happy World Meal Gate Official) lends credence to these facts.

Finally, as a responsible corporate citizen, Happy World Meal Gate firmly assures the public of our commitment to global best practices, integrity, transparency and prompt service delivery. To further underscore our commitment to empowering people, our pay-off line: HAPPY WORLD…HAPPY PEOPLE says it all. We firmly believe that hunger and malnutrition can be eliminated in our lifetime. However this requires comprehensive efforts to ensure that every man, woman and child enjoy their right to adequate food. We would abide by and continually implement the Food & Agricultural Organization (FAO) motto: Fiat Panis, which simply means ‘let there be bread’.

Join us and together we would kick hunger and malnutrition from Nigeria and Africa.