Has corruption finally killed Nigeria?

It’s no longer news that corruption has infiltrated every aspect of our national life

Has corruption finally killed Nigeria?
Has corruption finally killed Nigeria?

It’s no longer news that corruption has infiltrated every aspect of our national life.  Many are of the opinion that it is either corruption is eradicated or it kills Nigeria. But this monster has already killed Nigeria. While a majority of Nigerians believe the government is to blame, I believe the general public is also to be blamed for this menace.

I once came across a parent while I was a secondary school teacher who told me about his plan to bribe teachers so that his child could cheat during an examination. There are many like him. We cut corners in obtaining driver’s license. We engage in job racketeering to secure better appointments for people regardless of their qualifications.

We have tolerated corruption so much that resources are not fairly distributed among the populace creating a huge social gap among citizens.

This has led to an increase in social vices.

There is always a way out. What we need are self-discipline and attitudinal change. It is difficult, if not impossible, to win an election, even at primaries of political parties without having to bribe delegates. No matter the qualification of a candidate, he or she has to bribe the delegates to emerge flag bearer. We have to reverse this trend and deal with the reality that political parties are also stakeholders, without them, there won’t be elections. The clamour for electoral reforms therefore has to receive the desired attention. So candidates will be selected through direct primaries.

We already have excellent laws to tackle corruption; they should be adequately enforced. Nigerians have to come to terms with the fact that if corruption is not checked, we cannot make any meaningful progress as a nation.

Comrade Mustapha Ya’u Gumel Wrote from Dutse, Jigawa State. He can be contacted at [email protected] and 08038795975