Health benefits of cauliflower

Cauliflower has numerous health benefits, a nutritionist, Najib Panda, has said. According to him, cauliflower contains several bioactive substances, vitamins and minerals and also lowers the risk of certain diseases. Cauliflower is a member of cruciferous vegetables packed with an array of nutrients that are essential for the body. Verbal, social autopsy survey key to […]

Health benefits of cauliflower

Cauliflower has numerous health benefits, a nutritionist, Najib Panda, has said.

According to him, cauliflower contains several bioactive substances, vitamins and minerals and also lowers the risk of certain diseases. Cauliflower is a member of cruciferous vegetables packed with an array of nutrients that are essential for the body.

He urged the public to always eat cauliflower. “It is important to add cauliflower, also known as cruciferous vegetables, to our daily intake because it has many health benefits,” he said.

The health benefits of cauliflower to the body, as spelt out by the expert, include:

-It contains antioxidants that neutralise free radicals as a result of oxidation to the body, which is Vitamin C, K, and Manganese.

-It has anti-inflammatory effect which helps to slow down the activities of any inflammation mechanism, that is, it reduces the DNA binding of nuclear factor-kappa pro-inflammatory transcription factor.

-It also helps in cancer protection, according to the World Cancer Research Fund, pointing out that a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables protects the human body especially from colon and rectum cancer.

Cauliflower also helps in cardio health and decreasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.  The nutritionist added that cauliflower contains dietary fiber which helps in the part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus in the human body.  “And also, for feeding living bacteria in the colon and to form short-chain fatty acid which is good for our well-being. Hence dietary fiber softens stool, prevents constipation, promotes weight loss, increases value and fullness of the stomach and also controls blood glucose level as well as maintains colorectal health,” he said.

Najib said that cauliflower plays important roles in cancer prevention and detoxifies compounds that can damage DNA by regulating toxins, and effects of chemical carcinogens.