Health benefits of eating raw cucumber

Consuming raw cucumber has many health benefits, according to a pharmaceutical microbiologist and bio technologist, Gurama Gurama A. Cucumber is a fruit from the Cucurbitaceae family and has a mild, refreshing taste and a high water content. Gurama said cucumber could help relieve dehydration and was pleasant to eat in hot weather. “People eat cucumber […]

Health benefits of eating raw cucumber

Consuming raw cucumber has many health benefits, according to a pharmaceutical microbiologist and bio technologist, Gurama Gurama A.

Cucumber is a fruit from the Cucurbitaceae family and has a mild, refreshing taste and a high water content.

Gurama said cucumber could help relieve dehydration and was pleasant to eat in hot weather. “People eat cucumber as a savory food, but it is a fruit. It also features in some beauty products. It is scientifically known as Cucumis sativus, it belongs to the same family aszucchini, watermelon, pumpkin, and other types of summer squash,” he said.

He said the fruit is full of vitamins A, B, C, K, potassium and manganese which were very essential to the human body.

According to him, cucumbers, typically eaten fresh, are called slicing cucumbers. “Gherkin cucumbers are specially produced to make pickles (also known as pickled cucumbers). These are much smaller in size than the slicing ones. Slicing cucumbers are available throughout the year, but they are at their best between May and July.

Gurama who is also a lecturer with the Faculty of Pharmacy, Gombe State University, explained the following as some of the health benefitsyou could derive from eating cucumbers:

Good for digestion

Cucumber is loaded with fiber and water which are good in the digestive system. The insoluble fiber present in cucumber is good for your digestion because it adds bulk to your stool hence easy when eliminating it.

Helps with weight loss

If you are struggling to lose weight, cucumber is one of the best options. It is low in calories which leave you full all the time hence slowing down your digestion.

 Brain health

Are you always forgetful and have tried to deal with the situation but in vain? The solution is cucumber. It helps in improving brain health and memory.

It relieves stress

Are you stressed or depressed? Consume at least half a cucumber daily and you will be free from it. Cucumber contains vitamins B1, B5 and B7 which are good in dealing with stress.

 Fresh breath

If you have a bad breath and tried all sorts of mouthwash but in vain, cucumber is the way out. Consuming a raw cucumber will help greatly. It rids bad breath leaving your mouth fresh.

Prevents kidney stones

Cucumbers are a perfect blend of both fiber and water. Therefore, they help to protect your body from constipation and kidney stones. Regularly enjoying a cucumber rich salad is a great way to increase fiber intake.

Cucumber is also a good source of vitamin C, silica, potassium, and magnesium; all of which have their health benefits.

Cucumber skin contains high levels of vitamin A, so you will gain more of this nutrient if you eat the entire thing without removing the skin.

Healthy eyes

Cataract is an eye related problem but it can be prevented by consuming raw cucumber. Cucumber has got anti-inflammatory properties which deal with cataracts and any eye related problems.

Protects your heart

Cucumber helps in lowering your blood pressure, thanks to the potassium in cucumber. Those who regularly eat raw cucumber have high chances of having a healthy heart compared to those who rarely eat it.


Consisting mostly of water, and containing important electrolytes, cucumbers can help prevent dehydration during the hot weather months or during and after a workout. Adding cucumber and mint to water can increase water consumption by making it more attractive to drink.

However, dehydration is important for many things including maintaining a healthy intestine, preventing constipation, and avoiding kidney stones.


As a member of the Cucurbitaceae family of plants, cucumbers contain high levels of bitter-tasting nutrients known as cucurbitacin.

According to an article in the International Journal of Health Sciences, cucurbitacins may help preventcancer by stopping cancer cells from reproducing. A 133-g cup of chopped cucumber with its skin also provides around 1g of fiber. Fiber may help protect against colorectal cancer!