Her third mountain of gold

I was moving ever so stealthily in order not to wake Tahir up but despite my determined effort, I did just that. Rising up from his pillow he looked straight at me and complained. ‘I don’t know how to put this more clearly to you Bint, but when I am on my bed I just […]

Her third mountain of gold
Her third mountain of gold

I was moving ever so stealthily in order not to wake Tahir up but despite my determined effort, I did just that. Rising up from his pillow he looked straight at me and complained.
‘I don’t know how to put this more clearly to you Bint, but when I am on my bed I just want to sleep. I can’t stand your late night activities when I have to be up by 4am.’ He said.
‘I am sorry darling, I was trying so hard not to wake you up, I don’t know how I managed to do just that.’ I apologized.
‘But why must you have something to do on my reading table after 11pm? If there is one reason I no longer keep a TV set in my bedroom, it is because I have decided that I want absolute peace and quiet within these four walls. And I had made this very clear to you, so why are you determined to prevent me from sleeping in peace?’ Tahir protested.
‘It isn’t what you think hubby dearest. This wasn’t deliberate. I was just about to join you here when I got a Whatsapp message detailing some amount of money looted by former petroleum minister Diezani Allison Madueke. The message referred me to a newspaper and I remember seeing the copy with you earlier today. That was why I decided to look it up in your room in order to confirm.’ I explained.
‘Incredible! So you are keeping me awake at this hour only because you want to read about Diezani’s loot? Why can’t you wait till tomorrow or better still why don’t you go and read it in your room since you know I have to get up for my share of night vigil an hour before dawn?’ He demanded.
‘Well I know that even if I picked the newspaper and went to my room. I will still be coming back here to sleep, thereby disturbing you the more. So I decided that the thing to do is to move quietly, read the newspaper and put it back without waking you up. I didn’t remember that you are the lightest sleeper around.’ I said, defensively.
‘But still I ask, why can’t all this wait till tomorrow?’ he insisted.
‘Because I couldn’t sleep after hearing about the money involved. Imagine stealing 13 billion pounds from your country, and you are just one human being, with one life-time to live.  What would she ever spend that much money on, even if she has ten children and 20 grandchildren to support? This was what kept me awake. I just couldn’t imagine what anyone could do with so much money.  Then I decided to see for myself if the newspaper actually reported all that or it is one of those unconfirmed social network stories.’ I added.
‘But don’t act so naïve Bint. Will this be the first time you have read about African looters? How many African leaders have stolen and stashed abroad more than they will ever need in ten life times and all that didn’t keep you awake till it became  Dienzani’s turn?’ He queried, turning back to lie on his side.
‘But this is a woman Tahir, someone who should have all of a woman’s compassion and care. Moreover she was also a silver spoon, born into a rich royal family where she lacked nothing in her youth. She went to the best schools, had the best degrees, married a high-ranking social figure, how can we expect anyone so blessed to be so immorally greedy?’ I wondered.
‘I told you Diezani didn’t do anything other African and Nigerian leaders have not done before her.’ He repeated.
‘Why do I get the feeling that you are trying to defend her Tahir? Are you one of those bewitched by her legendary charms as well?’ I asked, suspiciously.
‘No dear Bint, I have never seen her apart from on TV so I can’t see how I can be bewitched by her charms. But I am merely saying the truth. Her grand looting is not any worse than we have seen from African dictators.’ He replied.
‘But African dictators are their own bosses, they report to no one and obviously have no fear of Almighty Allah. But this lady was a cabinet minister, one of many others and she is a lady, for crying out loud. All those dictators are male, in their corrupt lives they have the excess baggage of mistresses and illegitimate children and want to please everyone by giving them the First Family treatment. But who did Diezani need to steal all that money for? And you must remember what I said about her being a silver spoon. Such greed is only expected of a ‘rags to riches’ person. Someone who knew only poverty and is now exposed to wealth and so bares his fangs to grab the most because he or she is afraid of a return to poverty. No one will expect such super avarice from a rich and pampered princess.’ I concluded.
‘No Bint, only someone like you will not expect it because you have programmed yourself to believe that criminals are individuals who suffered deprivations in life. But the criminally minded can be anyone, from anywhere. His background and family situation does not necessarily determine his actions. All he or she needs is a selfish spirit, an unscrupulousness that makes him or her oblivious to the needs and concern of all others.
This makes them able and willing to do anything, bend any rules in order to get what they want. This is why without being an absolute dictator. Without being hunted by a poverty-stricken past, Diezani looted the nation with more than she or her children will ever need in several lifetimes.’ Tahir opined.
‘I am sure it is about such people that Rasulillah SAW once said, “If some people were to be given two mountains of gold, they will demand a third.” I quoted.
‘Yes and it is because of such people that Almighty Allah said “Whoever is saved from the avarice of his own soul is among the successful.” It is certainly the height of success to be able to control your appetite for worldly wealth and keep away from what isn’t lawfully yours, even when you are in a position to take it without being stopped.’ He concurred.
‘Yes that is true. But also successful is the person who has someone to caution him against being so avaricious. Personally I think a woman with a husband and a living mother should never have been allowed to deviate so far.’ I observed.
‘Maybe not, but don’t be too sure that either the husband or the mother knew what the lady was up to. You know that when in authority, some people get so power-drunk that they confide in no one and listen to no one. Then they dig their down fall.’ He observed.
‘If I should ever begin to show signs of being power-drunk please call me to order.’ I appealed to Tahir jokingly.
‘There is no chance of that now since you hold no office or authority that could lead to that. But just in case you do, one day, I promise to call you to order. Now please let me sleep, I need to wake up and seek the divine blessings of this night as well. Who knows, maybe even Diezani is asleep in her London hospital bed.’ He said drawing up his Duvet cover.
‘Do you really believe that story about her being down with cancer?’ I asked.
‘Frankly I don’t know and I don’t care. All I want to do now is sleep. But if it’s true, be sure she has enough money to afford the best treatment money can buy. So don’t worry your pretty head over her Bint. Just come to bed and sleep.’ He urged, patting the other side of his bed with his hand ’

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