High food price: Kebbi residents resort to cassava

Cooked cassava hawkers are now making brisk business in Birnin Kebbi as many residents resort to the delicacy in the face of rising cost of food.

High food price: Kebbi residents resort to cassava

Cooked cassava hawkers are now making brisk business in Birnin Kebbi as many residents resort to the delicacy in the face of rising cost of food.

Caliphate Trust correspondent reports that majority of the operators of the eateries have either increased the price of their food or resorted to reducing the quantity they served their customers.

Thus, it was observed that cooked cassava, has become an alternative meal to most people who now find it expensive to  patronise restaurants.

Many young girls are now found along the major streets hawking the commodity and being patronised by young and old.

Mamman Sale, said he used to have three square meals a day but because of the hike in food prices, he could no longer afford that.

Sale, who is a bricklayer, said because he could hardly get a job now he only goes for cheaper food, hence his resort to taking cooked cassava.

“Due to a rising cost of building materials, patronage for our work has significantly dropped. Despite the fact that I am a bachelor, I can hardly feed well as the price of food increased.”

He added that a plate of food, which was going for between N100 and N150 now goes for between N200 to N250.

Sale said he found the cooked cassava as a good alternative as he was spending less to feed himself.

Larba, a cassava seller, said she enjoyed a high volume of patronage these days, adding that her customers cut across all ages.

“I make a gain of between N400 and N500 a day. I buy  N1000 worth of cassava every day. The most encouraging part of the business is we enjoy high patronage.”