Hike in conference fee

The Nigerian Bar Association Annual General Conference (NBA–AGC) will hold in Lagos State from August 18 to 24, 2017, with the theme ‘African Business Penetrating through Institution Building’. The registration deadline and fees for the conference was approved by the NBA National Executive Committee (NBA–NEC) in Lokoja. The registration deadline is scheduled as follows; Early […]

Hike in conference fee

The Nigerian Bar Association Annual General Conference (NBA–AGC) will hold in Lagos State from August 18 to 24, 2017, with the theme ‘African Business Penetrating through Institution Building’. The registration deadline and fees for the conference was approved by the NBA National Executive Committee (NBA–NEC) in Lokoja.

The registration deadline is scheduled as follows; Early Bird (June 20 to July 1), Regular Fee (July 20 to August 9), while late fee and onsite starts from August 10. Five years post call will pay 20k/40k/80k, six  to 10 years post call 30k/60k/120k, 11to 14 years post call, 15 to 20 years post call 60k/90k/180k and above 20 years post call 100k/150k/300k, SANs 200k, magistrates and other judicial officers N100k, hon. justices N150k, governors legislators and political appointees N500k, non- lawyers N80k, international delegates $500. Brand new tablets which will include all the conference materials will be available. Each tablet is N250, 000. 00 and will be given to each person who pays. 

The hike in the price for the conference has drawn reactions from various quarters in the legal profession. Below are some reactions from lawyers:

“The attempt to review the conference fees upward is calculated to deny young lawyers the opportunity to attend. #Howbraveisourbar.” Clinton Biragbara, Esq.

“The NBA annual conference is targeted mainly at assessing the legal profession: bar men and members of the bench; not only as an association, but also as an organ of government. Revenue generation is the least consideration; unfortunately this is not the case today.” Clinton Biragbara, Esq.

“For 20k and getting a tablet fully loaded with law reports and conference materials worth more than 250k to me is a good bargain. Without the promised incentives and packages, one cannot but say it’s a bourgeoisie conference deliberately aimed at frustrating attendance of lawyers.” Suleiman Shuaibu, Esq.

“At first glance I felt the conference fee was too high but on a second thought, with the incentives that come with it I would say it’s actually a good one. Only those that pay for Early Bird will be entitled to same.” Fumen Isaac Gandu, Esq.

“All seniors should pay for their juniors even if they are not going to pay for accommodation for them. The branch can collect the packages for their juniors. No junior should be left out of this tablet packed with law reports already.” M.K Abdullahi, Esq.

“Thinking critically about the conference fee, my take is that it is high, but if we are going to get to have the benefit of having the pad and a year’s subscription of law pavilion then it may be worth it, but I would have preferred it if they concluded that the cost would be high just for this conference to accommodate the package and subsequently it will not be this much.” Shola Gabriel, Esq.

“Even if it is 10k, it is high, put logistics in view; you may begin to rationalise if it is worth it. I think the NBA conference should not be a conduit pipe for extorting lawyers or an avenue of depriving some lawyers the opportunity such gathering gives.” E.O Clement, Esq.

“The hike is unwelcome; ordinarily it is not our business to ask the NBA how they arrive at their conference fees. However, the NBA has opened the door by stating what the increase fees are for. I am left with no option but to ask why the tablet and subscription must be paid by all prospective conferees. The new conference fees are barely affordable for most lawyers, especially young lawyers; I find the participation in the conference more valuable than getting a tablet with law pavilion, since this hike threatens conference attendance for many lawyers. I believe the NBA should revise the hike.” Jerome Iroagalachi, Esq.

Which begs the questions, conference materials have always been a problem reaching every delegate since I became a lawyer, how then are we sure that the tablets will go round this time around? If only early birds would be entitled from the tablet, then why the increase in late fees, and onsite fees? How many young lawyers in Nigeria make more than 30k monthly to afford the hike in conference fees, accommodation and transport?

To my mind, the conference planning committee needs to assure us that every lawyer who registers would get the tablet. Secondly, we need to know if the hike in conference fee is only for this year because of the incentive, thirdly, our amiable and concerned seniors who have lawyers under their employ should please subsidise for us.

Considering the economic recession in the country right now, I doubt if the hike is in favour of lawyers’ participation at the NBA-AGC or otherwise.


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