Hillary or Trump; two awful choices

The world has retrogressed. In the year 2000 we had George W. Bush and Al Gore (great guy) contesting for the presidency of the USA. In 2004, it was Bush and John Kerry (not too bad a guy). In  2008, it was Barack Obama and John McCain. In 2012, it was Obama and Mitt Romney […]

Hillary or Trump; two awful choices
Hillary or Trump; two awful choices

The world has retrogressed. In the year 2000 we had George W. Bush and Al Gore (great guy) contesting for the presidency of the USA. In 2004, it was Bush and John Kerry (not too bad a guy). In  2008, it was Barack Obama and John McCain. In 2012, it was Obama and Mitt Romney (whose only ‘drawback’ was that he was a Mormon, but whom everyone acknowledged to be quite ‘presidential’. Of course Bush was an unmitigated disaster. He destroyed Iraq on cooked up allegations of non-existent weapons of mass destruction and has the blood of millions on his hands. He also started more bloodshed in Afghanistan. To the brash Texan, no life matters apart from American life. Some accuse him of knowing about the 911 bombing of the World Trade Centre which occurred on September 11, 2001, for he sat reading a book to some children for thirty minutes after he was informed by his aides that America was under attack. He became a monster afterward, the perpetually drunk, drug-using scion of a dynasty who never ran any successful company in his life but was thrust on the world. He went on the destruction spree which defined his regime.
Hillary Clinton was one of those Senators who supported Bush’s bloodsucking decision. Obama -a most colorful, charismatic, down-to-earth, perhaps most-blessed president in the history of presidents -destroyed Libya and threw the whole of Africa -where we call him ‘our brother’ – into the vortex of their global terrorism game. Hillary was the chief fanner of the furnace in Libya. Between her as Secretary of State, and Susan Rice – then US Ambassador to the UN – they cooked everything that needed to be cooked, and with the help of that President Sarkozy of France, they gave instructions that Gaddafi should be killed like a dog on the streets and buried in an unmarked grave ‘so that people will not go to his grave for pilgrimage’. If they were trying to save his people from his ‘brutality’ as they alleged, why bother about people going to pilgrimage at his grave? Hillary – a heartless one if there ever was one – triumphantly exclaimed in an interview about Gaddafi’s death; “We came, we saw, he died!’.
Of course they (Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton) paved way for Boko Haram, as a franchise of AlQaeda and lately ISIS – two phenomena that we in Nigeria here knew absolutely nothing about as we wallowed in our innocence. Today, we have lost all that innocence, and about 50,000 of our citizens to boot – Christians, Muslims, women, children, men. Nigeria was set back several decades.
And so in the year of our Lord 2016, we are saddled with the choice of a heartless woman, a schemer and a closet racist who must really think that blacks are subhumans, and an outright lunatic who should be in a straitjacket in some sanatorium! What happened to the world?
Yet, some Nigerians are wasting their time watching and analysing, and theorizing about the ongoing American electioneering.  Hillary is certainly the ‘better’ of the two evils. But evil still, and more calculating and shrewd than loudmouth Trump could ever be.
We must understand clearly, that American presidency is for Americans. If it turns out ‘good’ and they elect the ‘best’ candidate, it means that the lives of Americans will be much better, even though the lower and middle class often get little, while American ultra-capitalist big businesses often cream off the best cash flows in the world. Most times, American presidencies impact us negatively in Africa here. We need to think for ourselves and stop wasting time on things that don’t concern us that much; or at best, we should be guarding ourselves from these potential evils. A Nigerian chap of mine called me at 2am on the night Brother Barack became president for the first term, weeping like a baby that ‘a black man has become president’. If he was broke then, he may be broker today as the Nigerian economy has fallen ‘yakata’ and may fall even deeper. If he is better off today, it has nothing to do with Barack.

Now, hear what Donald Trump thinks of us;
“Look at African countries like Nigeria or Kenya for instance, those people are stealing from their own government and go to invest the money in foreign countries.
From the government to the opposition, they only qualify to be used as a case study whenever bad examples are required. How do you trust even those who have run away to hide here in the United States, hiding behind education? I hear they abuse me in their blogs but I don’t care because even the internet they are using is ours and we can decide to switch it off from this side. These are people who import everything including matchsticks… We need to get the Africans out (of the USA).Not the blacks, the Africans. Especially the Nigerians. They’re everywhere. I went for a rally in Alaska and met just one African in the entire state. Where was he from? Nigeria! He’s in Alaska taking our jobs. They’re in Houston taking our jobs. Why can’t they stay in their own country? Why? I’ll tell you why. Because they are corrupt. Their governments are so corrupt, they rob the people blind and bring it all here to spend. And their people run away and come down here and take our jobs! We can’t have that! If I become president, we’ll send them all home. We’ll build a wall at the Atlantic Shore. Then, maybe, we’ll re-colonise them because obviously they did not learn a damn thing from the British.”
Hillary Clinton is less explicit, but apparently deadlier. In 1996 while her husband was President, she supported a heavy crackdown on black teenagers – a policy that further hardened the blacks and pushed them into crimes, by calling the teenagers ‘superpredators’ who must be brought to heel at all cost. This statement justified police brutality. Her husband, Bill was so enraged when Senator Ted Kennedy endorsed Barack Obama for president, that he yelled “A few years ago, this guy (Obama) will be getting us coffee”, indicating that he believed blacks should be servants and slaves. Anyway, both of them have their heritage in the American south where blacks are nothing but.
Linda Tripp, a lady who worked with them in the 1990s White House and was key in revealing Bill’s dalliance with Monica Lewinsky, recently had this to say in a Daily Mail interview: “I believe for all his faults as a flawed man, Bill Clinton is not as unscrupulous as his wife. He is complicit but he is not as deceitful as Hillary Clinton is…  they are both missing the integrity chip but while she is inherently dishonorable, his seems to be learned behavior… When I think of Hillary Clinton I think of a lingering taint of scandal and wrongdoing and, in my opinion, possible criminal activity… I watched her on countless occasions blatantly lie to the American people and knowingly lie… People should be aware that she is probably the first cabinet secretary in the history of our country who has operated with their own private server, for a reason… She is answerable to no-one.’
Between Hillary and Donald, I see more disaster for the world.

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