Hold fast to teachings of Holy Qur’an, Cleric urges Muslims

Al-Tabraq literally is about how the Qur’an can be used to seek Allah’s blessings; Al-Tawasul means how

Hold fast to teachings of Holy Qur’an, Cleric urges Muslims

Foremost Ilorin-based Islamic Scholar, Khalifa Mahmud Sulaiman Ameenullahi has advised the Muslim faithful to see Qur’an as their only salvation.  He said no topic or issue in the contemporary world is left unaddressed in the Qur’an.

He emphasized this in his book, “Benediction and Supplication with the Holy Qur’an for Human Salvation.” The book essentially deals with three Arabic words – Al-Tabraq; Al-Tawasul and Al-Safahatu or Istihanatu.

Al-Tabraq literally is about how the Qur’an can be used to seek Allah’s blessings; Al-Tawasul means how the Qur’an can be used to seek ways and methods of moving closer to Allah in supplications while Al-Safahatu implies that the Holy Qur’an can be used to intercede or used as a mediator between a servant of Allah and the creator.

Sheikh Sulaiman who is the founder of Al-Itihad and Istikamah Islamic Foundation, Kwara State, said the book was aimed at transforming the reader.

“By this, he or she will understand how to purify his mind in repentance, then discipline him with other actions of mind like love, truthfulness, trust, contentment and piety,” he wrote.

The 52-page book has the pictures of three late prominent Islamic scholars in the back cover including Sheikh Kamaldeen Al-Adabiy (Founder of Ansarul Islam Society of Nigeria and Al-Adabiy), Sheikh Adam Abdullahi Al-Ilory (Founder of Markaz) and Sheikh Sulaiman Ameenullahi Okeleru, the author’s father and the patriarch of The Sulaiman Family Okeleru in Ilorin.

The book highlights the concept of repentance and forgiveness; Taqwa (Piety); the ethics of recitation of the Qur’an; the Hadith (Prophetic sayings) on recitation of the Qur’an; Quranic memorization and protocols, listening to the Qur’an as an act of worship.

He talks so elaborately about supplication and benediction with the Qur’an and some of the limitations.

Sheikh Mahmud said, “It is allowed to seek the aid and intercession for those who are alive. Islam encourages the Muslims to help the less privileged or the weak people.”

On intercession, the act of a Muslim acting as a mediator between Allah and another Muslim.

In this instance, the condition allowed, according to him, is that the person from whom the intercession is sought must be alive, not the dead scholar.

The writer also in the book gives prescription on how to supplicate with the 99 names of Allah.