Honourable Abdullahi Wamakko: Death yet in the household

Like with all who knew and related with him, news of the death of Honourable Abdullahi Muhammed Wamakko came to me with a devastating shock even as we have been told by the Almighty Allah (SWT) that all that live will certainly taste death: Inalillahi Wainalillahi Rajiun. All the same it is engrained in the […]

Honourable Abdullahi Wamakko: Death yet in the household

Like with all who knew and related with him, news of the death of Honourable Abdullahi Muhammed Wamakko came to me with a devastating shock even as we have been told by the Almighty Allah (SWT) that all that live will certainly taste death: Inalillahi Wainalillahi Rajiun. All the same it is engrained in the nature of man to grieve the demise of one known and close to us.  

Honourable Abdullahi Wamakko, popularly known as Abdullahi Speaker, was known to me at close quarters. A quintessential man of humility, our friendship evolved and subsisted ever since our first meeting at the Government House, Sokoto, in 2007, when we served as political aides to the then Governor of Sokoto State, Senator Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko. 

He was a nephew of the then governor. He carved a niche for himself as a political stalwart in his own right. It did not take the two of us long to find common grounds. His attractions, to me, were his trademark character of joviality, a high sense of humour and stoic composure even in the face of turbulent times. He was gentle but candid. I regularly consulted him on occasions that I needed a confidant.  

Naturally, I am among the multitude shocked by news of his death. It was a shock aggravated by the fact that Abdullahi Speaker was barely 51 and he radiated good health on account of his simple lifestyle. But the painful fact is that, in accordance with the ordinances of our creator, our mortal journey through life on earth will terminate at the predestined time.

A retrospective throwback on his life would create a picture that appears as though the late Wamakko had a premonition that his would be a short sojourn in this world. He lived a life of geniality, generosity and simplicity. 

He was one that would not go out of his way to court controversy. Unlike the typical politician, he went about politics in the frame of the philosophy of the late Waziri Ibrahim: “Politics Without Bitterness”. He was not one to lose comportment no matter the provocation. These attributes manifested at moments of great anxiety in the turbulent days of the epic political battle for the soul of Sokoto between 2007 and 2011 between our principal, the then Governor Magatakarda Wamakko, and Attahiru Dalhatu Bafarawa. One of such momentous turn of events was when in 2008, the Appeal Court in Kaduna nullified Wamakko’s election of 2007 and ordered a fresh election between him and Muhammed Maigari Dingyadi, the flag bearer of the opposition Democratic People’s Party (DPP). That was in reality, a call for another round of encounter between Wamakko and Bafarawa because DPP and Dingyadi were more or less synonyms for Bafarawa. 

With this, all on Wamakko’s side were perplexed. I remember vividly how the late Abdullahi Speaker took it all in his stride. He kept his cool and composure. With his usual smile and confidence, he responded by admonishing everybody that ran to him to keep faith in Allah’s will and decision which he said all believers, people of iman, should consider as the best option and judgment. 

At the end of the intriguing political staccato and subsequent legal uncertainty that ended up in the Supreme Court, Wamakko eventually emerged triumphant. Thanks to the late Member of the House of Representatives, Abdullahi Speaker, my faith in the inevitability of the design of Allah (SWT) was reinforced.  Few then, including myself, if the truth be confessed, did not give Governor Wamakko a chance to survive the meshwork and intriguing obstacles on his path. 

Perhaps, the defining character of the late Wamakko in his political career was his principled steadfastness, consistency and single-minded loyalty to his political mentors and allies. 

For example, while there were incidents of political allies, friends and even biological brothers who jumped the boat of Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko, at times when his sail appeared stuck in inclement storms, Abdullahi Speaker kept faith, willing to sink or swim with his mentor. Such was the occasion in the build-up to the 2007 governorship election in Sokoto. Magatakarda as the flag bearer of the then ANPP was adjudged as an underdog. He had so many supporters before he resigned in 2006 as Deputy Governor to Bafarawa, but they did not believe he had a chance and so gave up on him. Abdullahi Speaker was among the few that kept faith. He went on to go along with his embattled uncle into the PDP just before the election and on that platform, the battle was won. That historic political victory in the Seat of the Caliphate was to the chagrin and regret of many, the amazement of others and to the glory of the few, such as Abdullahi Speaker.

Abdullahi Wamakko died in the service of his people as their representatives in the House of Representatives. According to eye witness accounts, he was at the National Assembly on Monday and Tuesday preceding his death on Friday, July 14, 2017. His experience as an elected representative dates back to 1991 and 1992 when at a very tender age, he won election as councillor in Wamakko Local Government Area. There, for obvious reasons his colleagues selected him to lead the council as the speaker. That was the basis of the appellate, speaker, which became part of his name.

As evident in the outpouring of grief, messages of condolence and tributes from within Sokoto and beyond, the late young lawmaker was popular and loved by a broad spectrum of people. It is an understatement, however, to say that members of his immediate family, his wives and children, would be the most devastated by his death. May Allah (SWT) provide for them the strength, the Iman and fortitude to put up with the calamity that has befallen them, ameen. 

Next on the scale of those really bereaved would be the members of the political household of his great uncle and mentor, Senator Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko, Sarkin Yaman Sakkwato. 

One can only imagine what sense loss the death of Abdullahi Speaker has inflicted on Alhaji Uban Dawaki, Alhaji Ahmed Kalambaina and Alhaji Aminu Mohammed, ACY. There are also Alhaji Ahmed Aliyu, Alhaji Umar Faruk Yabo, Alhaji Ahmed Mainasara Clerk and Alhaji Muhammed Abubakar Danshehu and Young Turks who have shown all along unblemished loyalty and could go to battle with their eyes blindfolded with Magatakarda as the commander.

Surely, the most bereaved and deserving of condolences would be Senator Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko who is the head of the political family, uncle and mentor to the late Abdullahi Speaker. 

Coming barely one year after the passage of another of his most trusted political sons, late Alhaji Nasiru Zarumai, the depth of the pain on his heart over the latest loss is better imagined. Under the circumstance, we can only join in supplicating Allah (SWT) to provide him the strength to bear the loss. 

Most importantly is to pray for almighty’s mercies on the soul of Honourable Abdullahi Speaker by granting him eternal abode in Aljanah Firdausi, ameen.     

Ahmad wrote in from Doctors Quarters, Unguan Rimi, Kaduna