Hooligans take over Danwaire primary school in Kano

Hooligans have taken over the famous Danwaire Primary school in Sabon-Gari area of Fagge local government, thereby posing serious threat to students, passers-by and the immediate host communities, Kano Chronicle can report. Findings by our reporters revealed that the thugs have converted the school into a centre for smoking and consumption of drugs. The hoodlums have defied all efforts […]

Hooligans take over Danwaire primary school in Kano

Hooligans have taken over the famous Danwaire Primary school in Sabon-Gari area of Fagge local government, thereby posing serious threat to students, passers-by and the immediate host communities, Kano Chronicle can report.

Findings by our reporters revealed that the thugs have converted the school into a centre for smoking and consumption of drugs.

The hoodlums have defied all efforts by the government to stop them from conducting their heinous activities in the premises of the school.

A trader around the area, who pleaded for anonymity, disclosed that the problem had been in existence for a very long time despite efforts by the school management to curtail it.

He said, “You can see the thugs smoking Marijuana freely and no law enforcement personnel, including police and officials of the National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency, could dare approach them with intention to stop them.

Kano Chronicle gathered that the thugs are also engaging in other social vices such as rape, snatching of valuables and attacking passers-by whenever they refuse to surrender their belongings to them.

“Once it is 8pm, you cannot pass this place without being attacked. Also in early morning, you cannot dare to pass through the school because they will stop you and demand for money, mobile phone or any other valuables in your possession.

“Those who are familiar with the place avoid going there at specific hours because the thugs spare nobody in their attacks. You can imagine, the thugs have attacked several policemen and other security personnel in this place.”

The source attributed the dreadful situation to non-availability of security guards in the school, adding that most of the public schools in the Sabon Gari area had not been provided with security guards and where there were available, the watchmen could not have the courage to pass a night in the schools’ premises.

Another source, who also craved for anonymity said, “The hooligans normally take over the school immediately after school hours and nobody can even pass by the gate, talk less of going into its premises. The usually attack people and forcefully collect whatever they have, and if the innocent victims resisted, they inflict injuries on them.”

A teacher in the school told our reporters that the thugs had turned the structure into a joint for buying and selling all sorts of drugs and other intoxicants, adding that some of them pass their nights in the premises without being arrested by law enforcement agents.

“Initially, the thugs used to storm the school and do whatever they like even during working hours. When the situation deteriorated, the school’s management negotiated with them to wait until after the school closes before they can take charge of the structure.I can tell you, since that arrangement the hooligans always take over the school as soon as we close for the day.

“They occupy classes and defecate within the premises of the school. They drink and smoke all sorts of alcoholic substances and take drugs. Sometimes, they fought among themselves and litter the place with blood. In some worst scenarios, you see dead bodies,” the teacher said.

Kano Chronicle learnt that the menace is not only peculiar to Danwaire primary school but all the nine public primary schools situated within the Sabon-Gari area.

A teacher in one of the affected schools said the thugs had massed up the school he was teaching, as according to him, the thugs always make the premises and toilets of the school dirty. They also burgle into offices and staffrooms; cart away some valuables belonging to the school.

A visit to some of the affected  schools in the area, indicated  that the thugs have destroyed  most of the doors and windows, as well as the fencing walls, thereby making them porous and not conducive for learning.