How 90-year-old woman’s eggs gift got her new home

When in October 2020, Mama Agatha Kwasena Awua, now popularly known as ‘Mama Six Eggs,’ visited to console Reverend Father Solomon Mfa after the Catholic priest was robbed, she carried with her six eggs as gift to the priest she never knew that her six eggs gift would become the foundation of a beautiful dream […]

How 90-year-old woman’s eggs gift got her new home

The new house – one bed room

When in October 2020, Mama Agatha Kwasena Awua, now popularly known as ‘Mama Six Eggs,’ visited to console Reverend Father Solomon Mfa after the Catholic priest was robbed, she carried with her six eggs as gift to the priest she never knew that her six eggs gift would become the foundation of a beautiful dream home that has now ended her nightmare in the ramshackle hut she once lived.

Mama Awua believed to be over 90 years old had leaned on a walking stick with her six eggs securely tied in a black polythene bag when she made her way to St Augustine’s Parish Demekpe in Makurdi to see the parish priest – Fr. Mfa, days after armed robbers broke into the parish house and took away his belongings.

She had no better way to empathise with the cleric, who is also the convener of Kyegh Sha Shwa Cultural Initiative popularly known as KSS, other than to gift him the six eggs.

And like the biblical widow’s mite, Fr Mfa who was touched beyond words had handed the old woman some money to pay her transport fare back home but she declined on the grounds that the priest – just being robbed, ought to be pitied.

Her refusal to accept the money further prompted the priest to assign one of his staff to find out where mama lives.

The staff had returned back to his principal with a sympathetic description of where Mama Awua, a widow and petty firewood seller lived. It was also discovered that the woman gave birth to three children and two have died, leaving only an adult male who is as helpless as his mother.

Fr Mfa in an interview with our correspondent in Makurdi, said he was moved by the disturbing picture his aide painted of mama’s habitation, so the next day, he drove down there to see things for himself.


“The place wasn’t as close to the parish as I thought. I saw where she sleeps; it was like a piggery, so unkempt. There and then, I made a silent promise to myself in faith that ‘Mama 6-eggs’, as I later named her, must sleep in a good house and on a good bed at least before her departure from this world.

“Mama planted love and harvested love. Though mama is not my parishioner, she felt concerned and visited with six native eggs to console me when I was robbed.

“She had nothing to give me but asked that I accept her little gift as from a mother to her son. To my surprise, she untied a polythene bag, it was in three layers so I was curious. When she eventually untied the bag, I saw six eggs.

“The gesture touched me deeply because she was not my parishioner. And when I offered her money for transport, she turned it down, saying I should be the only one receiving now.

“Those six eggs became the foundation of my enduring interest. The result is this beautiful house – one bedroom bungalow and more coming for Mama,” the priest said.

He described how elated he was few days ago when mama finally moved into the house which took about six months to complete.

To achieve the goal, Fr. Mfa said he got together a few friends who signified interest to help out in the commencement of the building.

“God graciously provided five Simons of Cyrene: Engr Terkura Ukaa, Mr Laz Apir, Mr Nathaniel Ikyur, Doose and Very Revd. Fr Theophilus Hwande who really gave me a big push. They did well, but Simon of Cyrene would have to give back the Cross to Jesus to carry it to Calvary, so I continued.

“I prayed like I have never prayed before. It was this time I knew better and got more convinced that anything rooted in God has the strongest foundation. God raised Veronicas to wipe my face like Veronica wiped the blood off the face of Jesus with her handkerchief to help him see clearly and reach Calvary. Most of these Veronicas begged to remain anonymous, but my joy is God knows them and will reward them accordingly.”

The priest added that some good spirited individuals provided the mattress and curtains before the house warming.

The nonagenarian now lives happily in her new home at Wadata area of Makurdi alongside her son and grandchildren.

At the time our correspondent visited Mama’s new house, she was said to have gone for fellowship but her grandchildren were seen playing within the compound.