How babies, mothers benefit from breastfeeding

  Experts say breastfeeding has a lot of health benefits for babies and their mothers. They urge mothers to start breastfeeding their babies as soon as they are born and maintain such for six months without water or any processed foods. Their advice came on the heels of this year’s World Breastfeeding Week. It is […]

How babies, mothers benefit from breastfeeding



Experts say breastfeeding has a lot of health benefits for babies and their mothers. They urge mothers to start breastfeeding their babies as soon as they are born and maintain such for six months without water or any processed foods.

Their advice came on the heels of this year’s World Breastfeeding Week. It is marked annually to sensitise nursing mothers on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding. The theme of this year’s World Breastfeeding Week is “Enabling Breastfeeding: Making a Difference for Working Parents”.

According to a family physician, breastfeeding is not just a natural process; it is a powerful act of love and nourishment that holds incredible benefits for both mother and baby.

He said it further provides essential nutrients, antibodies and enzymes that strengthen the baby’s immune system and protect them against illnesses. Breast milk is also easily digested, reducing the risk of digestive issues and allergies, he said.

He stressed that beyond the physical benefits, breastfeeding creates a beautiful bond between a mother and her child, fostering emotional well-being and fostering a sense of security. It promotes skin-to-skin contact, stimulates motherly instincts, and deepens the connection between them.

He said, “Let’s celebrate and support breastfeeding mothers worldwide. Let’s create an environment where breastfeeding is not only accepted but actively encouraged. Providing breastfeeding-friendly spaces in workplaces, public areas, and community settings can make a significant difference.

“Let’s use this opportunity to create awareness, break down societal stigmas, and advocate for a more breastfeeding-friendly society. Together, we can empower mothers, ensure the health and well-being of future generations, and make a positive impact on our planet.

“To all the breastfeeding mothers out there, your dedication and selflessness are commendable. Remember, you deserve all the support, understanding, and respect in your breastfeeding journey. Seek guidance from lactation consultants, join support groups, and lean on your loved ones for assistance.

“Let me say that breastfeeding is a sustainable and eco-friendly practice that greatly contributes to a healthier planet. It requires no packaging, transportation, or waste production associated with formula feeding, reducing the environmental impact.

Phuong Nguyen, the UNICEF Chief of Field Office, North-East, said breastfeeding newborn babies within an hour of birth is healthier and helps in building children’s immunity and mental capacity.

She identified low mental capacity, less developed learning mental state and weak immunity system as parts of the consequences of poor or lack of exclusive breastfeeding.

The UNICEF chief said no supplement could duplicate or replace the early initiation of a mother’s breast milk and exclusive breastfeeding.

“For newborns, there is evidence that immediate breastfeeding within the first hour of birth and exclusive breastfeeding for the six months is a nutritional magic bullet that protects them from opportunistic infections and helps to build their fragile immunity. As I speak, too many newborns are missing out on the advantages of early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding in their first six months of life. This is unacceptable.

“In Borno State, over 58 per cent of newborns are not exclusively breastfed for six months while over 75 per cent of children in Yobe State do not have the advantage of exclusive breastfeeding for six months.

“It is important to highlight the essence of breastfeeding for the health and well-being of children, mothers, and society at large. Breast milk is the first vaccine and the first food that every child receives at birth. Breastfeeding stands as a crucial pillar in safeguarding infants against life-threatening infections, supporting optimal brain development in children, and reducing the incidence of chronic childhood and maternal illnesses, ultimately lowering healthcare costs. Breast milk is not just a super-food and vaccine, it is also a smart investment.

“Early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding with zero water for months are child protection measures which contribute greatly to their wellbeing and set them up for high achievement in life,” she said.