How bandits abducted 15 students, 5 staff from Zamfara college

Suspected armed bandits, Sunday night, invaded the College of Agriculture and Animal Sciences in the Bakura Local Government Area of Zamfara State and abducted 15 students and five staff, Daily Trust gathered. The raid on the college came barely five weeks after the Provost of the college was kidnapped. 5 killed, 5 injured in fresh […]

How bandits abducted 15 students, 5 staff from Zamfara college

College of Agriculture and Animal Sciences in the Bakura Local Government Area of Zamfara State

Suspected armed bandits, Sunday night, invaded the College of Agriculture and Animal Sciences in the Bakura Local Government Area of Zamfara State and abducted 15 students and five staff, Daily Trust gathered.

The raid on the college came barely five weeks after the Provost of the college was kidnapped.

He was later released after a ransom was paid.

A staff of the college, who craved anonymity, said the armed men stormed the college around 11:pm Sunday through the smaller gate of the school and headed straight to the students’ hostels.

“When they laid siege, the policemen stationed at the college engaged them in a fight.

“A heavy gunfire rented the air in the college.

“The security operatives were reinforced after the local vigilante group otherwise known as Yan Sakai, arrived from the neighbouring communities.

“Despite this, the security operatives and the Yan Sakai were overpowered probably because they were outnumbered by the armed criminals.

“They were going hostel to hostel forcefully breaking doors to rooms”

“But in some instances, the armed men would point their guns at the students through the windows and asked them to open the doors themselves or be killed.”

They later called the provost and told him that they had kidnapped 20 people from the college.

However, the bandits have not demanded ransom yet.

The spokesman of the state police command, SP Muhammad Shehu, could not be reached for comment at the time of filing this report.