How COVID-19 retooled property business — Adegboyega

He said the property management firm was able to get more assets to manage during the heat of the pandemic.

How COVID-19 retooled property business — Adegboyega

Mr Tobi Adegboyega, MD of Eko ShortLet

Mr Tobi Adegboyega, is a young entrepreneur and the Managing Director of Eko ShortLets, an apartment and property management firm.

He spoke to Daily Trust about how his firm pulled through the odds of the COVID-19 pandemic, noting that during the lockdown last year, his business improved.

He said the property management firm was able to get more assets to manage during the heat of the pandemic.

“The COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in a long term closure of many establishments across the world, did not topple the solid foundation of the Short-let World. Rather, it improved the short-let business in Nigeria.

“Many of those people who came into Lagos and got stranded had to turn to short-let apartments to reside due to the lockdown timing. Many people find it more alluring to lodge in short-let apartments rather than hotels these days.”

Explaining the concept behind the short-let apartment business, Adegboyega said due to the lockdown, many people sought after cosy apartments, where they could stay as companies and economic activities were on hold.

With this strategy booming, he said owners of such business property got their due without fail through the period.

“It is important that we provide each of our customers with a luxury apartment experience, we hope to indulge them into a lifestyle of comfort & luxury for pocket-friendly prices. We aim to spread our wings to Abuja, Port Harcourt, Accra, Nairobi, Banjul, Dubai, London, New York, one city at a time,” said Adegboyega.

On the outlook of the budding firm, he said the firm will match up with international apartment standards in Dubai, New York, London and other tourism cities.