How daring are you?

Life for most people has evolved to the point where they find themselves stuck with a few choices. Life is stressful because we find ourselves unsatisfied with the way we feel, doing things most of the time against our will and not achieving the things we actually want to achieve. We take life the way […]

How daring are you?
How daring are you?

Life for most people has evolved to the point where they find themselves stuck with a few choices. Life is stressful because we find ourselves unsatisfied with the way we feel, doing things most of the time against our will and not achieving the things we actually want to achieve. We take life the way it comes. We never dare to be different in what we do because we feel it abnormal in the society as we tend to want to behave in other ways that others do just because they are doing it. Most of us hide our real selves and want to live the way other people live, thereby not making any significant impact in our lives and others’.

As individuals, we tend to get swallowed up by circumstances around us. The better way is by daring to be ourselves. Most times being ourselves often makes us displease others.  

Wanting to please everyone seems to be a natural part of everyday life for most of us. However, it remains the most impossible thing to do; to please everybody. We need to shake off some negativity to really show who we really are, as most of us tend to imitate others and forgetting the positivity in being ourselves. Daring to be yourself starts from you learning from  others and not imitating who they are. You can observe them but never try to be like them, because you are never them and can never be them. Learn their skills and implement it in life and forge ahead with life. You are walking your own road just as others are walking their ways without giving a hoof about you.

Given the fact that we are all different, why would try to live the life of another probably at your own detriment? Why change your look and body with plastic surgery, why are we not happy the way we are? We are not just talking about loos here but also character and talent. Everyone is unique in his or her own right. Have we ever considered that while longing for the talents of others we are somewhat neglecting the talents that you have? Everyone has a unique talent either in-born or could be developed.

If there is one emotion which seems to spread even faster than all the rest combined, it is fear. Fear discourages us from being who we really want to be. Fear breeds fear. One fearful thought quickly snowballs into a bigger one and then another. It creeps its way in, spreading all the way and leaves you living under a dark cloud of anxiety that has you feeling like you have no choice but to take the safer path of least resistance. According to Psychologist Peter Ben, “that’s no life, because in life we need to be more courageous and daring in circumstances that we find ourselves in for us to live a positive and meaningful life. If we desire to achieve this, then fear is the first thing we have to eliminate from our lives, because it one emotion that hinders what and who we really are”

Daring to be you entails a lot of courage; living with courage begins with taking a critical and honest look at choices and circumstances that affect your life. Stepping beyond the confines of comfort zones will call on you to dig deeper into your life than you have ever done, to dare to accomplish things which have no guarantee of success and to trade a life of comfort for an experience worth more gratifying to you.

There are things you and only you can do, things which can never be done by anybody if you do not dare to do them. “There are areas in our lives we feel a clear level of dissatisfaction or unhappiness. In this situation, what we need to do is change in those areas of our lives and have them the way we really want them to be and the only way we can do this is by daring to be who we are no matter the circumstances, which on the other hand we should not allow to weigh us down,” says Muhammed Abdullahi.

 What matters in the end is for you to be yourself. To be yourself is to find out what your unique talents are. Find out what your prominent talents are and how you can put them together. In all these lies the beauty of your uniqueness. It would be a waste of time trying to be someone else. Make no mistake you are at your best being yourself. The society needs you as you are, dare to be yourself. The more you dare to be yourself, the more freedom you will feel. The more freedom you feel, the more daring you will be.

Daring and freedom support each other to re-create your unique self. You can create a new life. A life revised in small but crucial ways. You need to know who you really are. Granted that the world has more than its fair share of trials, if you add your own to it, it still does not matter. In fact, it may improve the world, after all. So take the bull by the horn and dare to dream more, live more and achieve more.  Success favours those who are bold and courageous, so live boldly, your life is way too short to live it in fear.