How dog chased man to death 2 months after wedding in Kwara

In this piece, Daily Trust Saturday examines the death of a civil engineer in Kwara State, Mohammed Oluwasegun Jimoh, who was chased to his grave by a dog in controversial circumstances.   The death of Engr Jimoh about two months ago has continued to elicit emotions from family and friends. The incident, which was said […]

How dog chased man to death 2 months after wedding in Kwara

Arikewuyo street, Asa Dam that leads to the resident of Mohammed’s father. Inset- The late Mohammed

In this piece, Daily Trust Saturday examines the death of a civil engineer in Kwara State, Mohammed Oluwasegun Jimoh, who was chased to his grave by a dog in controversial circumstances.


The death of Engr Jimoh about two months ago has continued to elicit emotions from family and friends.

The incident, which was said to have been triggered by the action of a neighbour’s dog on a Thursday morning, reverberated across various platforms with varying narratives.

While some reports claim he was mauled by the dog, others say he was electrocuted after he hit his chest on an electric pole while he was running to escape a German Shepherd.

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The story was made more difficult by the “secrecy” of the police and some residents of the Asa Dam Housing Estate, Phase 1, Ilọrin West LGA.

It took several visits which lasted several days before our correspondent was able to locate the residences of the bereaved family and the owners of the dog, thanks to the effort and assistance from an unlikely quarter, an eight-year-old child.

Late Mohammed and his father

Although the case was reported at the A Police Division, Ilọrin, officials said the concerned parties, especially the father of the deceased, “Later withdrew the case to avoid any publicity even though a man once came wanting to report the case.”

The state’s police spokesman, Ajayi Okasanmi, who confirmed the case, maintained the same stand.

He said, “I called the DPO but it appears… because the family does not want any publicity regarding the incident.”

But a lead later came through a police source who hinted that the incident happened around the Asa Dam/Osin area.

When our reporter first visited the neighbourhood on Stephen Gbadamosi Street, Asa Dam, the residents were unwilling to talk.

When the residence of the bereaved father, Engr Olayinka Jimoh, was finally located, family members who were still in a mourning mood initially objected to any discussion regarding the matter and tried to convince him not to talk.

However, Engr Jimoh said the death of his son who used to refer to him as “My Paddy” left a vacuum that only Allah could fill.

Recounting the incident, he said, “We have a family mosque inside our compound, and after we finished prayer and supplications as our tradition on that fateful Thursday morning, he went inside his apartment with his pregnant wife who is a lawyer around 7am.

“He later came back and spoke with his mother to intimate her about the building job I sent him to supervise at the Kwara State University, Malete. He had gone there to check the authenticity of the land on Tuesday and he was told to come back on Wednesday, which fell on a public holiday, and he had to go on Thursday.

“I asked him to make sure he tidied everything up before his next trip to Lagos so that his boys would have commenced work before his return.

“So, he went out to get noodles for his wife and collected N500 from his mother and promised to transfer back as he didn’t often go with cash. He had withdrawn the cash from a POS operator just around the area where the incident occurred and bought four packs of noodles.

“On his way back, he placed a call to his elder sister who is residing at the Osin area and put it on speaker as he always loved to do except on sensitive discussions. It was during their discussion on the phone that the security guard of the owner of the dog opened the gate for the wife who was taking the children to school. But the dog came from nowhere and attacked Segun. That was the account I got because I was not there.”

Engr Jimoh further said, “But the elder sister who he was on the phone with later called me to go and check up on him because he had been attacked by a dog as she heard him screaming, “Dog! Dog!

“A neighbour that witnessed the incident also called me. So, I hurried out from the mosque and got to the scene of the incident. I was informed by the neighbour that had been calling that the dog’s owner’s wife had taken him to the hospital.

“He said the injuries Muhammed sustained weren’t too severe as that the dog only stood on him when he fell down but did not attack him. He said Muhammed even told them not to call me; that he would be okay.

“I hurried to Olalomi Hospital where he was rushed to, but before I got there, he was already pronounced dead. I only met his corpse. As a Muslim, I believe he died at his appointed time as the Prophet (SAW) taught us. We shall all return to our Creator.”

On whether the deceased was mauled by the dog, Engr Jimoh said, “That is not true; the dog just stood in front of him. I stood with his corpse for three hours at Olalomi Hospital. I made several calls to some of my friends who are medical consultants to bring an ambulance to take him to another hospital because his body was still warm and (without any marks). We made several supplications and efforts to revive him but it was all to no avail.”

Engr Jimoh debunked insinuations that the family has slammed a legal suit on the owner of the dog.

He explained that, “Nothing of such has happened between us. We are Muslims, taking them to court would not revive our son. Our religion teaches us to understand whatever happens to us is for a reason and we should take it as such as believers. None of us can question the will of Almighty God.

“My relationship with the dog’s owner is very cordial. There were some attempts to involve the police but I told them to let everything go. It is in Muhammad’s destiny that he would leave the world so early and in such a manner. I have accepted my fate, Almighty God will give me the fortitude to bear the loss.”

He described his late son as, “He was my eyes and pal. You could see him in me, we were working together as close friends. He was a believer, easy going and put whatever happened to him before God. He’s someone you would love to associate with. He got married just two months before the incident at the age of 28. May Allah protect his pregnant widow and grant her safe delivery.”

A resident of the area who pleaded anonymity told our correspondent that, “The dog just stood by after the young man fell and was holding his leg as if he had a cramp before a neighbour rushed him to the hospital.”

He added that, “The car of the dog’s owner’s wife was affected and some glass in his house destroyed by a mob in the heat of the incident.

“But the community, in solidarity, came to their rescue and took up the matter. Some people said the deceased hit his chest on an electric pole, but he never complained of chest or head, but his leg.”

On his part, the owner of the dog, Mr Adebayo Olayemi, a Lagos/Abuja-based engineer, described the incident as unfortunate.

He said, “I was not at home when the incident occurred. I had to come to Ilọrin by road the day of the incident because there was no flight. It was the father of the deceased that first told me what transpired and even said there was no dog bite.

“Engr Jimoh is a true Muslim I must say. I am a Christian, but I have learnt so many things from him with this incident. He has even made me consider the religion.

“The whole incident was just like a mystery. Some neighbours came around this morning to console and sympathise with us because my family had to leave the house for like three weeks because of the trauma which my wife is yet to overcome.

“But the father of the deceased said he was not happy that we left the house because of the incident. He said his son was destined to die. He still calls us from time to time to see how we are doing. His laudable action prompted our return. In fact, I appreciate that religion.”

Engr Olayemi further said, “Though I was initially arrested and detained by the police, but Muhammed’s father was mad because they never reported the case, it was my security guard that went to report himself at the station.

“He (Engr Jimoh) came to the station, wrote a statement and even personally called the Commissioner of Police that he was not interested in any case.

“He said the whole incident was destined to happen and told everybody to move on and forget the case. He only requested that we should pray for his son to find favour in the sight of God.”

He noted that, “I am a lover of dogs and have two of them. I have gotten rid of them because I have to be sensitive to my environment. We live amicably in the community, but unfortunately the incident happened and we don’t pray for such again.”

On the whereabouts of the security guard, Engr Olayemi said, “He was the one that was running all the errands for the family and paying the school fees of the children among other things.

“But now I feel bad that I had to send him away because I had plans to not only establish him but to also provide him shelter in his village. But we will see how it goes.”

In a text message to our correspondent, the bereaved father wrote: “Muhammad Oluwasegun Jimoh, I was devastated when you felt ill. In a matter of minutes, the smile on your face disappeared and was replaced by gloom. I remember I couldn’t leave your side for one second. I will never forget that fateful Thursday morning when you answered the call of Almighty Allah, the cruel hand of death had snatched you away from us.

“It was like a dream for me to believe that you are no more with me again, very painful indeed after much thought and trouble to the end.

“I now realise that Almighty Allah is the owner of life who gives and takes and does things at will. Son, I can’t forget the smile you put up when calling me and the polite way of doing things. My dearest son, Almighty Allah knows all about our life journey from the beginning to the end.

“My sincere prayers is that the vacuum you have left behind, may Almighty Allah fill it for us. My dearest son, words alone can’t describe how I will forever miss that name you use to call me (My Paddy), a sound that will continue to linger in my brain.”