How far can a New Year resolution go?

But again, it is not just about setting new goals but a time to pause and reflect on the previous goals you had set. In doing so, you will be able to know what made you fail in achieving the last goal you set and make adjustments that will enable you to succeed in the […]

How far can a New Year resolution go?
How far can a New Year resolution go?

But again, it is not just about setting new goals but a time to pause and reflect on the previous goals you had set. In doing so, you will be able to know what made you fail in achieving the last goal you set and make adjustments that will enable you to succeed in the new year.

Speaking to some people recently on this topic, it was obvious that some of them had outlined certain goals that they had set out to achieve. For Yinka Adelaye, “My decision is to go to the office early. Again, I want to talk less, which I believe will make me to reflect more. Also, I have decided to spend more time with my children/family.”

Yinka’s vision obviously cuts across the various aspects of life — family, career and how to improve himself.

For others like Samson Ikechukwu, his New Year resolution is highly personal. “I have told God about some wrong behaviour I would like to stop this year. Also, there are targets I have set to achieve this year by the grace of God.”

For Sarah Gana, her response was sharp. “I don’t make New Year resolutions because I hardly keep to them. So, I have stopped making New Year resolutions.”  But the truth is that the fact that people don’t keep to their New Year resolutions does not mean it is not achievable. It only takes determination, which is required, to achieve any goal. But then, psychologists have suggested steps that can help you to achieve your vision and goal.   

First, it is by being realistic which is by setting goals that are achievable. Setting a goal based on a salary increase is unrealistic, because this is not within your control. Also, in setting goals, psychologists suggest that you describe your resolutions in specific terms. Instead of “I don’t want to be lazy,” opt for “I want to exercise regularly” or “I will cut down on my television watching.”

Again, breaking down large goals into smaller ones is very helpful. For instance, commit to losing weight by resolving to join a gym and improve your eating habits. Find alternatives to a behaviour that you want to change and make this part of your resolution plan. So you want to quit smoking but you smoked to relax yourself? What other forms of relaxation are available to you?

Above all, aim for things that are truly important to you, not what you think you ought to do or what others expect of you. However, the truth is, if you are determined, you can and with God on your side, you can achieve that which you set out to do. And you can go as far as you desire.