How ‘Hazy weather’ unsettles drivers, asthmatic patients in Maiduguri

A hazy weather in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State, broke out Tuesday evening through Wednesday thereby affecting visibility and health conditions. Residents, especially those with underlying health conditions, and drivers who complained of poor visibility said they were forced to adopt measures to cope with the condition. Today, it’s become a common sight on […]

How ‘Hazy weather’ unsettles drivers, asthmatic patients in Maiduguri

A hazy weather in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State, broke out Tuesday evening through Wednesday thereby affecting visibility and health conditions.

Residents, especially those with underlying health conditions, and drivers who complained of poor visibility said they were forced to adopt measures to cope with the condition.

Today, it’s become a common sight on the streets of Maiduguri of people putting on face masks and eyeglasses to deal with the situation.

Luksha Samuel Mshelia, a resident, said the weather was “unusual” and “unfriendly” Tuesday evening and has remained hazy.

“This sudden change of hazy weather comes with cough and catarrh and even fever. In fact, it’s unexpected to have this weather now because the haze mostly happens in December or January” he said.

Hajja Asmau, an asthmatic patient who was on her way to the University of Maiduguri, said the weather was not friendly but was compelled to attend a morning lecture.

A commercial driver, who simply identified himself as Danfulani, said the “bad weather” caused a lot of delays on the road due to poor visibility.

Dr Mamza Ezra of Umaru Shehu Hospital, Maiduguri, said the weather is not dangerous to most people, but that those with underlying conditions could be at greater risk.

“Someone with respiratory problems like asthma and heart diseases should be indoors to reduce their exposure, or they should use facemasks if it’s necessary for them to come out,” he said.

He advised those with underlying conditions to avoid cold water, air-conditioner, high-speed fan and maintain a normal room temperature.