How Indian temples are swindling Nigerians

A female client Mrs. Bola Akin (not real names) told Weekly Trust that as a supposed customer to one of these temples, a rewarding conversation was anchored for business through the phone as a potential customer.Bola   observed that at least about three people laid the stage for the conversation before the phone was eventually handed   […]

How Indian temples are swindling Nigerians
How Indian temples are swindling Nigerians

A female client Mrs. Bola Akin (not real names) told Weekly Trust that as a supposed customer to one of these temples, a rewarding conversation was anchored for business through the phone as a potential customer.
Bola   observed that at least about three people laid the stage for the conversation before the phone was eventually handed   over to someone fluent in English to smoothen the talk.
Weekly Trust further gathered that customers are given booked appointments   with a code number, which is visa for entry at the gate when presented to the guard on duty at the gates of the temple,   on the appointed day. “Forgetting the code number meant no admittance, as it would be assumed no appointment was booked with you”, she revealed.
Also, those at the receiving end of the phone described the address of the temple to the potential customer, but vehemently   declined sending same via text to the phone of the caller.
However, when the location of the temple was finally described, it was a place somewhere along Airport road.
But at the vicinity of the temple, there was not even a signboard to direct customers to the building that housed it. The area was a little bit busy, as people were engaged in different deals for the day.
The customer’s call to the temple to confirm the exact direction to the temple was answered, with instructions to her to look out for a signboard that had the inscription ‘Help the future Foundation……realizing your dreams’ on it. A few steps further, brought the “customer” to the supposed foundation.
 “I walked up to the gate and was immediately accosted by a young man who was sitting under a phone canopy some blocks away from the building. He asked me if there was a problem or if I had lost my way.  I was working towards the gate”, the customer told Weekly Trust
 The guard then replied that the building in question was a restricted area and confirmed that the “customer” could not access it unless she had a pass (code number).
Bola said at that moment, another young man opened the gate and asked why she was there and she explained the conversation of previous days that necessitated the trip to the temple.
He then asked if she given a code and she answered in the affirmative, saying  it is.  He copied the number, retreated inside, came back and ushered her inside after asking her whether she was from  “from Kubwa- ba”.
Weekly Trust was informed that the young man apologized on behalf of the seeming unco-operative guy, revealing to the customer that precautionary measures had to be taken to protect the identity of their customers as most times Journalists had asked to do a story on them.
“We need to protect our customers from people especially journalists. We don’t need the publicity of the media, with or without them,  we are thriving and changing people’s lives”,   Bola quoted the second gate man  as saying .
Bola observed that the kinds of cars parked in front of the story building were sights behold, as he wondered silently.
Worried after stealing a glance at Bola’s face as she stared at the classic automobiles,   the young man explained “I told you we are reliable and we never disappoint. Most of them are our loyal customers and they have also brought many of their friends too” 
The caliber of men and women both young and old in the waiting hall was amazing.   Apparently, they  were  wealthy persons  because of the kinds  of gadgets they held as phones and the clothes they wore.
Bola said , 20  people were  in the large hall.  “I was given a seat and while sitting a lady walked to me smiling and greeted me. She handed me a paper which had the different languages that I would prefer to communicate with. My curiosity was increased and I asked her ‘what do you mean by the language I prefer to communicate with?” she went on to answer me saying “we have interpreters for the major languages, not everyone can communicate effectively in English”, the “customer revealed.
She settled for English language and it paid off, as she was instantly moved to the third position on the queue to see the Guru. While waiting to see him,” I fed my eyes and ears with the various interactions that were going on around me”.
“At one corner a conversation ensued between a lady and her interpreter. She came all the way from Benin to get an appointment with the Guru. She has tried so many things to make it in life but was not successful. “ I am willing to do anything the Guru tells me to do  because my friend who told me about it has made it in life after a short while. It took some time for her to let me into her secret.  Please I need him to assist me urgently, as tears rolled down her cheeks”  Bola said
Continuing with her narration, Bola intimated that in  another scenario, a customer who seemed to be an old timer walked in and greeted both Gurus and went on to apologize for the short notice  she gave before coming. She went on to explain to everyone’s hearing
“I never knew that my boss would approve the trip. So I really need to get the stuff so that I can travel tomorrow so that he does not change his mind about giving me the money which I requested for, ” Bola quoted  the lady  as saying.
 She reportedly received positive assurances from the  Guru.
“ As soon as you called this morning, I went on to prepare your work and it is ready. You know how to go about it, you do not need to be told all the times. It is the same process as long as it is to get them to release whatever money you need.”  The Guru said and handed her a parcel.
She thanked him and promised to compensate him generously when she returns.
In addition, a lady in her mid or late 60’s who was supposedly there with her daughter was scolding the daughter and telling her that she had advised her on this adventure for a long time but she refused  claiming  holiness. “This is what I used and kept your father under control, now that you are in a fix and need help you are crying.
“My turn came and as soon as I walked into the room,  the Guru who was dressed in a white, gold and red flowing gown and a black turban shook his head and said “madam you have been through a lot in life but not to  worry all will come to an end soon”, Bola disclosed.
“There were very massive mirrors at the four corners of the room. He asked that I looked into any mirror of my choice. (Before I did that I recited Ayatul- Kursi and called Allah’s name asking him to forgive me since I was not  doing this for any personal) I pointed to the mirror in front of me and he asked that I stretch my hands for him to read my fortunes”, the customer relived.
“I did and he said I was blessed with a lot of things in life but the enemies of progress were trying to pull me down”, the Guru reportedly said.
According to her, the Guru brought a small bowl and asked her to take the contents, but she immediately declined and smartly argued that she was fasting. She requested for the rescheduling of the appointment after the fasting period, which was agreed.
 “ He then gave me a list of what I should come with which included a sizeable portion of my hair,  which I would cut at a particular time (2am), a white cloth, white and black pepper, six white kolanuts, White candles and  two turkeys which must have grown very old. The turkey’s had an option of money which was N20,000 each and N40,000 in total”, Bola said.
“On her way out, the waiting hall seemed to have accommodated more people”, she said.
Again, at another Indian temple which investigation revealed is located in Nasarawa state, but had its agents in Abuja working for them, the same customer who had posed as someone with problems of dreams and was in dire need of prosperity.
“For the dreams don’t tell me about it, when you come and look into the mirror you will see the person behind your dreams. For prosperity, it will cost you a new born baby. A new born baby I exclaimed. Yes, a new born baby. This one baby will fetch you N375million. If you want more you bring more babies” the temple worker said.
“He went on to say that if I could not provide a new born baby there was no problem because he has a doctor who provides him with new born babies. All I needed to do was to pay the sum of N230,000 and the baby would be given  to me by the doctor which I would bring to him. He said he works for a lot of people and even politicians. But I warn you when you get the money do not take it to the bank. Just invest them in buying and building houses. If you are also coming make sure you are coming with someone that you trust that would not expose the source of your wealth”, the customer revealed.
He also gave a  list of what to bring along when coming to his place with the baby.
The  list included , a baby doll, 3 white kolanuts, white candles, matches, two Ghana must go(one big and one small), white wrapper used for the dead, schnapps and a new born baby’s cloth. 
Another call to a third  temple entailed another appointment and it was just a replay  of what happened in the earlier temples.