How Lebanese sexually molested girls, minors in Jos for years

Giring community in the Abattoir area of Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State, on Friday became volatile as youths wanted to burn down the police station over what they termed injustice meted on them. This incident is, however, different from the various ongoing attacks on police formations in the country, especially in the […]

How Lebanese sexually molested girls, minors in Jos for years

Giring community in the Abattoir area of Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State, on Friday became volatile as youths wanted to burn down the police station over what they termed injustice meted on them.

This incident is, however, different from the various ongoing attacks on police formations in the country, especially in the South-East and South-South. It is also different from the #EndSars protest across the country last year.

The incident in Jos had to do with a Lebanese living at Bala Angbazo Close, popularly known as Lebanese Quarters at Giring.

It was gathered that the Lebanese have been engaging in immoral sexual activities with girls for many years and sending the films to syndicates and outfits across the globe.

It was gathered that the man started paying mature young women in dollars at the initial stage of his illicit activities but later began paying in naira. It was also alleged that he stopped making adult films and digressed to having carnal knowledge of minors for peanuts, ranging from N200 to N500.

It was equally alleged that the foreigner has been using his dogs to make love to different young women and sending the videos abroad and to different sites.

Again, most of his victims’ families were said to be enjoying different kinds of favours from him; hence they kept mum about his activities.

Trouble, however, started when some minors between 12 and 15 years got pregnant in the community, and while they were interrogated, they accused the Lebanese of being responsible.

He was then reported to the police in the area and was subsequently arrested. The atmosphere, however, tensed up when the Lebanese was released by the police in the Anglo division, where he was taken to.

A source told our correspondents that as soon as members of the community left the station, the police released him under a questionable condition.

According to the source, the unrest began the following morning when he was seen jogging.

Reinforcement of security personnel, however, halted the attempt to burn down the police station as the angry mob was dispersed by shooting and continuous use of teargas. The crowd resorted to throwing stones at the security personnel from a distance.

Another source alleged that the Lebanese later went out with a gun, threatening to shoot anyone who dared him.

He also alleged that the police had been on guard at his residence and that nobody currently knows his whereabouts.

According to the source, the man has been living in the community for over 30 years but little was known about what he was doing. But his neighbour, a fellow Lebanese, sells generators at the Murtala Way in Jos.

The source also said his family was not with him and no one knows much about his family life, adding that he was always around.

On why the police quickly released him without conducting a proper investigation, and possibly, prosecution, the source said the Lebanese had been their good friend, as well as other security agents over the years.

When contacted, the spokesperson of the police command in the state, Gabriel Ogaba, confirmed the incident, saying the investigation into the matter was ongoing.

Our correspondents report that there is an uneasy calm in the community. It is hoped that something would be done urgently so that the situation would not degenerate.