How long should one wait to date again after a break up?

Break ups can be really hard on some people while others get over it easily. But how long should one wait to date again after a break up? LifeXtra finds out. As humans, we have different behaviours, temperament, mannerisms et al. As such, we tend to meet people who are either compatible or incompatible with […]

How long should one wait to date again after a break up?

Break ups can be really hard on some people while others get over it easily. But how long should one wait to date again after a break up? LifeXtra finds out.

As humans, we have different behaviours, temperament, mannerisms et al. As such, we tend to meet people who are either compatible or incompatible with us.

In relationships, there would be disagreements because no one is perfect. But then if there is a break up, how long would it take to get over it before getting into another relationship?

LifeXtra sampled the opinion of a few individuals.

Patience Steven, who is her late 20s and self-employed, thinks it is right to wait for at least six months before going into a new relationship. “That way, the person would have forgotten all that happened.”

Speaking further she said “For me, I would wait for another six to eight months before I start another relationship. At least by then, I would have gotten over the past one.”

Makurdi-based Ikwe Sunday has another view. He thinks waiting for as long as two years would help him get over the hurt, and during that time, he would get to understand himself better before getting into another relationship.

Buttressing his point, he said “If I don`t know myself, how would I know another person – someone I intend to spend the rest of my life with?”

Edor Martha, a fashion designer in her 30s, however says it varies with individuals because what may work for one person may not work for another.

“It depends on the emotional strength of the Individual. For me, I would say a year because I would use that time to reflect on what caused the break up. If I was the cause, I would then work on myself so that I don`t repeat the same mistakes in my next relationship,” she said.

Also speaking to LifeXtra, a self employed respondent who simply gave her name as Shulammite stated “Well, it might take me close to a year and six months to get over that person, especially if it is a relationship I gave my time, effort and everything for it to work but it didn`t.”

According to Korin Miller in her article, “OK, but Seriously, How Long Does It Take to Get Over a Breakup?” she said “Breakups come with a complicated range of emotions – sadness, self-doubt, and anger. And they’re incredibly disruptive to your daily life, especially if you were in a serious relationship. That takes time to move on from.”

Susan Winter, a professional love and life mentor in the article “How long you should wait to date again after a breakup, wrote, “Deciding when to start dating after a break up is always hard. A big reason for this may be because there is no real “right” way to go about it.”

“Dating and recovering from breakups are highly subjective, personal experiences, so there is no one formula or rule to use to determine when, exactly, it is appropriate to dip one’s metaphorical toe back into the proverbial dating pool.”

“Still, there are some guidelines everyone can use to figure out what’s best for them.”