How Makkah conference would benefit Nigeria – Muslim scholars

Nigeria would greatly benefit from the ongoing International Conference on Islamic Unity, in Makkah, Saudi Arabia due to the peculiar situation in the country, a cross section of Nigerian scholars at the conference has said. They told Daily Trust in separate interviews that the conference with the theme, “Perils of Labelling and Exclusion” organised by […]

How Makkah conference would benefit Nigeria – Muslim scholars

The Grand Mosque in Makkah, from the sky

Nigeria would greatly benefit from the ongoing International Conference on Islamic Unity, in Makkah, Saudi Arabia due to the peculiar situation in the country, a cross section of Nigerian scholars at the conference has said.

They told Daily Trust in separate interviews that the conference with the theme, “Perils of Labelling and Exclusion” organised by the Muslim World League (MWL) with the support of King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, would also benefit the Muslim and non-Muslims relationship.

The Managing Director, Comerel Travel and Tours, Uztas Abubakr Sideeq Muhammad, said it was good that there were all the perspectives across the world scholars and Nigerians would be able to translate that into current realities at home.

“We have been emphasizing this in our activities in Nigeria. We heard today that even from the glorious Qur’an, there are textual proofs that supports that Muslims are not prevented from relating peacefully and kindly in a way that would advance the society, with those who do not share the same religion with them.

“It was related that a Jew was given a ministerial position in an Islamic government, this was important. This means that as people living in a society, we have to contribute to the advancement of that society, regardless of the religion we profess, because of the common good that covers and benefits all of us.

“It is our society, it is the way we live in it and make it better that benefits all of us and when we do things that hamper that society, we hamper ourselves, the peace and the peaceful co-existence that is required in the society,” he said.

On the part of non-Muslim not cooperating to live in peace, he said, “We should live like the Prophet who despite the provocation and their persistence in provoking him, he was persistence in peace and endurance till the conquest of Makkah when everything changed.”

On his part, the Dean, Faculty of Art and Islamic Studies, Usman Dan Fodio University, Sokoto, Prof. Isa Muhammad Maishanu, expressed delight that Muslims were gathered to address the issue of disunity so that Muslims can be seen together as one Ummah, after some differences that appear due to various happenings being witnessing in the Muslim world especially by those trying to hijack the religion.

On the reasons for the disunity, he said “This was due to misunderstanding of the true teachings of Islam, so when Muslims take Allah as one Lord that He is, they have one single book and Prophet Muhammad, this should have united the Muslims.”

Also, the proprietor of Darul-Kitab wa Sunnah, Ilorin, Kwara State, Dr Abdulkadir Salman, said the gathering was significant as it would engender mutual love and respect among the Muslims.

“There would be greater respect for one another’s opinion and Islamic moderation in every issue that may arise among ourselves,” he said.

On the missing link and cause of disunity, he said the papers presented cannot help anyone unless the person changed himself and that when Muslims are guided in principles, every other thing would fall in place.

Also, the National Chairman, Jama’atu Izalatil Bid’a Wa’iqamatis Sunnah (JIBWIS), Sheikh Abdullahi Bala Lau, urged Muslims to be united.

On extremism, Sheikh Bala Lau said there are many Muslims including some scholars who do not understand the religion properly adding that the scholars also need to understand the right track so that the people would not be misled.

“The scholars would be properly guided and would in turn guide the Muslims,” he said.

On the issue of non-Muslims not cooperating with Muslims, he said Prophet Muhammad lived with non-Muslims and tolerated them.

“Prophet Muhammad showed love and mercy to non-Muslims and we should emulate that. We see many people trying to go against or even kill non-Muslims; this is not the teaching of Islam,” he added.