How many more Hinds before they act right?

The heart-rending story of Hind Rajab of Gaza isn’t exactly unique. Since the beginning of Israel’s genocidal aggression in the Strip, children have been targeted and annihilated at will. The Save the Children Foundation recently released a statement in which it said that children were “paying the highest price” in the ongoing War on Gaza. […]

How many more Hinds before they act right?


The heart-rending story of Hind Rajab of Gaza isn’t exactly unique. Since the beginning of Israel’s genocidal aggression in the Strip, children have been targeted and annihilated at will.

The Save the Children Foundation recently released a statement in which it said that children were “paying the highest price” in the ongoing War on Gaza.

The Foundation’s Palestine head of Advocacy, had told newsmen that Israel’s war on Gaza is killing children at rates “unparalleled in recent crises”.

An earlier report had said that a child dies every 10 minutes, since the beginning of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Israel.  

So, the murder of six-year-old Hind Rajab, by the Israeli Defence Force is really nothing new or shocking. 

What’s new is that the circumstances surrounding it are shocking and painful. The situation Hind was in, was caught live though nothing could be done to save her till she took her last breath. 

Indeed, Hind was even declared missing, when contact was lost with her. 

It was her decomposing body, that was found several days after her distress phone call to the Red Crescent. In the call, she was begging to be saved since the IDF had killed the five family members travelling with her in the car. 

The heartbreaking scene was all caught on tape. It began with Hind’s teenage cousin, who made the call to the Red Crescent and said they were trapped in a car that had been attacked, her parents and two siblings were dead, while only she and her cousin Hind needed to be rescued.  

While she was still on the line with ICRC officials the young lady was shot dead. The horrible sound of their deadly guns on her and her ear-piercing scream took over the airwaves for several seconds. A painful sight to imagine.

Then Hind, just six years old and alone with five dead bodies picked up her cousin’s phone and redialled the Red Crescent. They picked it up and learnt that she was now all alone and wounded. It was an area completely under attack by the IDF and it would be suicidal to just rise and go there. 

But because a child was hanging there all alone, in the company of relatives’ corpses, they kept her talking on the phone and even got her a psychologist to keep her on the phone while two young heroic volunteers offered to go for her. 

The two young men took an ambulance and headed to where Hind was trapped. The inhuman monsters called the IDF bombed the clearly marked ambulance and killed the young men immediately. They were blown into tiny pieces of human flesh and bones, none of them was found in one piece. 

That was the point the ICRC lost touch with them and eventually with Hind. The helpless, hurt and scared little girl was declared missing from then on. 

When she was found days later, she was just a decomposing body along with the equally decomposing bodies of her relatives in the same car. 

In a short video clip Hind’s mother had spoken about talking to her daughter while the ICRC was with her on phone, and the little girl had said that she was wounded and scared. 

What a sad and thoroughly heartbreaking thing for a mother to go through. Being totally helpless to save your own child who was lying somewhere so far away and probably bleeding from her wounds was a terrible fate indeed. 

Yet even painful stories like these can’t seem to make the world do what is right. Why won’t the necessary sanctions be imposed immediately on murderous Israel so that this barbaric killing and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians will stop. 

Why are world authorities acting helplessly when it comes to Israel but have no qualms about sanctioning Russia and Putin for crimes that are much less than what we see today in Gaza? 

But like I’ve said many times on this page, the blame for what’s happening in Palestine today goes a hundred per cent to the rich Arab leaders of the Gulf. 

If they were to take a stand for Palestine this war will end. 

The most distressing thing is that they weren’t afraid to team up with the US and France to kill Ghaddafi. They had no qualms against coming together to fight Yemen just like they had no scruples about teaming up against Saddam Hussein, a decade earlier. All of this while ably supporting the Western world against their own brothers. 

But today that a sworn and proven enemy like Israel is making mincemeat of their brothers and their children, these Arabs can do nothing other than play diplomacy. Who said evil-minded maniacs like Netanyahu care a hoot about diplomacy?

These are mass murderers and genocidal maniacs who believe no blood is sacred enough to be spared on the path to reach their goals. If Arab leaders aren’t the castrated camels they appear to be, this is the time to join forces and attack Israel, this is the time to force the hand of the US and Europe by suspending all oil sales indefinitely, this is the time to break all diplomatic ties with Israel and chase their officials out of every Arab city under the sun.

Unfortunately, they have no such political will, even while knowing that once the Israelis conquer Palestine, they will come after them next. This is according to the The Greater Israel plan. 

It took Black South Africa to drag Apartheid Israel to the International Court of Justice and to say “Enough is enough, this is genocide.”

The rich (but actually poor) Arab leaders are still trying to decide what to do because after all Hamas caused all this by attacking Israel on October 7. Even though several commentaries and video recordings have shown that the IDF more than Hamas killed most of the Israeli’s killed that day. The youth party that was allegedly invaded by Hamas was actually stormed on by IDF agents, who killed all the partying young people in order to justify the mass murder and genocide they planned to undertake in Gaza.  

But Arab leaders would rather take the official version of events because it saves them from having to act contrary to what the US and Israel want. 

However, even the people they fear will play their savagery and leave. Palestinians will still be there. For the last 75 years, all manner of demonic and power-drunk Zionists have ruled Israel and inflicted grave harm on Palestinians but they eventually died or got killed without accomplishing their one aim of wiping out the Arabs. 

The methods and munitions get worse and more sophisticated, especially with the lure of oil and gas reserves under the Gazan soil but they still can’t get the Palestinians out. 

And yes, we may cry and grieve over stories like that of Little Hind, but no matter how many such tales are told, Arab leaders won’t be compelled to do what is right. 

This is sad, but divine intervention will certainly grant victory to Palestinians.