How my mum motivated me to repair shoes — Kano teen

Sakinatu Muhammad is a 19-year-old lady and a secondary school leaver in Dakata Kawaji in Kano State who works as a cobbler

How my mum motivated me to repair shoes — Kano teen

How my mum motivated me to repair shoes — Kano teen

Sakinatu Muhammad is a 19-year-old lady and a secondary school leaver in Dakata Kawaji in Kano State who works as a cobbler. In this interview, she said her mother motivated her into the trade and that she has no regret doing it despite some ladies mocking her.

How did you venture into this business?

I started this almost two years ago. I first joined an entrepreneurial school where they taught us how to make shoes, bags and so on. Later on I dropped out of the school for some reasons and joined this place that you have met me.

It is not only to wash shoes, the man, Malam Buhari, taught me how to make shoes, repair shoes and design them with passion. I go to the market and buy the materials and then come back home or our workshop to design shoes and bags.

What was your motivation?

My first motivation was my mother, because she told me to try my best to be independent. She always supports me with words of advice and even money. Likewise my father, he also encourages me. Because not all parents can allow their children to do this, but my father trusted me with the job and always cautions me to concentrate on what is good for me.

What are the challenges you are facing?

I face so many challenges honestly, but with the encouragement I get from my parents, I am able to endure. The first challenge was when I was learning the business. Going to the place and sitting from morning to afternoon or evening was not easy.

Another challenge is that I’m female. People often talk to me that why do I choose to do this being a lady, especially young girls like me. They sometimes laugh at me and I don’t feel bad because I know that I have a mission and I want to achieve something.

Some people will ask you to produce a shoe for them but they will not pay you on time. Some will not even pay. But anybody that does this to me, I don’t engage in business with them again.

What benefits do you derive from this?

There are so many things, but one of the greatest is when I design a shoe or a bag. I will look at it with joy and happiness that I’m the one that produced this and someone will use it. It gives me joy.

Another one is that I get money to cater for my needs and even help others. This is another thing that makes me happy. To see myself as independent; that is what my mother wants and I’m happy that I have fulfilled her dream.

What is your plan for the business?

My plan is to get good capital and expand this to an industry where we can produce for markets even outside my state.

Would you advance your education?

My plan for education is not that strong, but I hope to further my studies. Meanwhile, even if I continue with studies, I will study what will boost my business.