How Nigerians can bring change

The term “change” is echoing and vibrating hugely in the Nigerian space. The majority of us wanted change. No doubt, things have significantly changed at least for many of us. Whether this is a desired or an agonising change is left for the individual to decide. Who can change and what can change? While the […]

How Nigerians can bring change

The term “change” is echoing and vibrating hugely in the Nigerian space. The majority of us wanted change. No doubt, things have significantly changed at least for many of us. Whether this is a desired or an agonising change is left for the individual to decide.

Who can change and what can change? While the above questions seem pertinent, it is more prudent to ask whether change can take place. This is pertinent since the power to make and enforce laws is deposited in the top.

To call a spade a spade, for us – Nigerians, our own change may not be top-effected. The ‘Ogas’ at the top, starting from the councillors to the president, are arguably incapable of bringing us the much anticipated change. When next we hear them talk about change, transformation and better life, we should hit the hay. Evidently, the hope of this country may not be in their hands. Change only comes through change. For emphasis, those who claim to change our economic woes must first change themselves.

As long as they remain convinced that votes are economic commodities that can be bought and sold, they can’t bring us the change we want. Anyone who will ask us to sell our votes to him cannot positively impact on our nation. Anyone on the side of a government that despises peaceful protest cannot bring us the change we want. Anyone who will intimidate and selfishly censor the media cannot change our economic woes.

Those who value power above integrity cannot bring us the transformation. Those who employ thugs during an election cannot revamp the economy. Those who are nepotistic in their national appointments cannot bring us the change.  Those who wish to continue to be paid humongous salaries in the face of an entrenched debt profile cannot impact on the economy.

For us as a nation, change will come from the bottom when we can say to them: “Yes, you are from my state, but you messed up, I am not voting for you. Yes, we hold the same religious belief, but you messed up, I am not voting for you. Yes, you are a member of my party, but you messed up, I am not voting for you.” Change from the top, in our context, is illusionary.


Samuel Ogunnaike, Lagos.