How Nigerians feel about VIPs using sirens despite ban

Adamu Maishera, 38, Businessman, Abuja The use of siren by VIP is different from the abuse of sirens. While i can say the former is necessitated by security preferences, the other is an abuse of purpose. Siren is usually used to call the attention of road users to an emergency by the car bearing the […]

How Nigerians feel about VIPs using sirens despite ban

Adamu Maishera, 38, Businessman, Abuja

The use of siren by VIP is different from the abuse of sirens. While i can say the former is necessitated by security preferences, the other is an abuse of purpose. Siren is usually used to call the attention of road users to an emergency by the car bearing the siren, and cars that may be covered by the convoy as the case may be. I do not frown at the use siren by VIP if they will obey traffic regulations while using the road and also respect other users’ right to road access. In most instances, busybody escorts harass road users when conveying their principals under the guise of security and sometimes abuse the siren by using it even in the absence of their principals. It will be better if we apply civility in handling fellow citizens. 

Musa Isah Toro, 47, Hotel Consultant, Bauchi State

People using siren indiscriminately are only abusing it. In developed climes, there are categories of people and organisations that are allowed to use it, unlike in Nigeria where every Tom, Dick and Harry uses it. In Nigeria, sirens are being used or abused to intimidate the common man on the street. In developed countries, most of their leaders don’t use siren, except their police, ambulances and the other services. Also, even the people authorised to use the siren don’t use it anyhow.

Samuel Luka, 40, freelance Journalist, Bauchi State

Siren use in Nigeria is always breached, even by the people who are allowed by the law to use it. You can imagine how our security agents are using the siren to create panic on our roads. The abuse of siren is now so pronounced that even a motorcyclist now has his own version of siren which he blows at willý. So, in my opinion, apart from the people that are allowed to use it, every other personality must be stopped from using siren anyhow.

Hafsat Adebayo, 27, Journalist, Bauchi State

To be honest, as sirens became common in Nigeria, they lost relevance. Unlike in the past when people respect sirens because of the personalities who were accompanied, people now can’t even differentiate between a genuine siren and the others. Something which was meant for a selected category of people should not be used by everybody who thinks that he has power or wealth to show others that he is different. Why should somebody, just because of his ‎closeness to the seat of power or wealth, use sirens to intimidate others? Nigerians must learn to respect the law. Whatever is allowed has limits and nobody should be allowed to go beyond the limit. Ideally, sirens are supposed to be used by selected office holders, response and rescue agencies, but people are rampantly using it to scare and intimidate others unnecessarily.

Oliver Iorkase, 39, Media Producer, Abuja 

They enjoy the show of power and free pass they get when in traffic situations more than respecting the respect the constitution and the rule of law. But looking at it more broadly, it’s only symptomatic of the way things work in the country, a classic animal farm scenario. These VIPs also include some big church pastors and imams i suppose, so it’s not just politicians here. The big question is, after breaking the law, will the law bite? It hasn’t so far, has it? It’s not about the sirens but the complete disregard for the rule of law and a loud alarm of where the country is at.  

Akodih Has Emmanuel, 42, Journalist, Bauchi State

A country that does not understand things and remains inclined to materialism, like Nigeria tends to always abuse the ways things are done. While sirens are supposed to signify the presence of personalities or agencies, like the president, governors, security agents, rescue services and others, in Nigeria, it is only used to show the common man that anybody occupying a public office must be noticed at all times. Sirens are used in Nigeria to intimidate other people. Security agents escorting personalities blare sirens to break traffic rules and drive others away to give way to them, no matter the danger it will pose. For me, any person who abuses the privilege should be penalised. Also, its use must be adequately regulated to check abuse.

Atama Ephraim Atama, 28, Student, Kaduna

For me i think it is wrong, going by the definition of the word ‘siren’. It is not made for government officials, appointees, or VIP, rather it is used for emergencies.