How poor nutrition affects your health

Experts have advised the public to take nutrition seriously as poor nutrition has a lot of negative effects on the health. They said people can avoid poor nutrition by taking an adequate, balanced and varied diet. Poor nutrition could be caused by   over-eating, not having enough of the healthy foods we need each day, or […]

How poor nutrition affects your health

poor nutrition

Experts have advised the public to take nutrition seriously as poor nutrition has a lot of negative effects on the health. They said people can avoid poor nutrition by taking an adequate, balanced and varied diet.

Poor nutrition could be caused by   over-eating, not having enough of the healthy foods we need each day, or consuming too many types of food and drinks, which are low in fibre or high in fat, salt and sugar.

When nutrition is adequate or excessive, the body faces the problems of quantitative control of the nutrients absorption and storage.

Musa, 40, said that he was falling ill frequently some time ago  inspite of taking medicines until a dietician asked him to take a look at his diet . He said he realized he hardly consumed  nutritious foods and balanced diets.

“When I improved on my diet, my immunity also improved. So I am a lot better now,” he told our reporter .

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) nutrition is a fundamental pillar of human life, health and development across the entire life span.

From the earliest stages of fetus development, at the time of birth, through infancy, childhood, adolescence and old age. Proper food and good nutrition are essential for survival, physical growth, mental development, performance and productivity, health and well-being. It is an essential foundation for human development. Healthy eating in childhood and adolescence is important for proper growth and development and to prevent various health conditions.

The fundamental goal of health for all means that people everywhere, throughout their lives, have the opportunity to reach and maintain the highest attainable level of health.

This is impossible in the presence of hunger, starvation, and malnutrition. Basic nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, are the basis of all life activities.

According to a nutritionist and dietitian, Najib Panda, poor dieting is an immediate cause of malnutrition and Infection, and inadequate food intake could lead to diseases.

He said, “The nutritional status of an individual is influenced by two primary immediate determinants that is, dietary intake and health status. Diet and disease are closely related. A poorly nourished individual is more likely to develop disease and an ill person may require Moro calories, absorb less due to poor appetite which may lead to poor dietary intake. These two determinants may lead to under nutrition.”

He said poor dietary intake could lead to weight loss, lowered immunity, mucosal damage, invasion of pathogens and impaired growth and development in children.

Panda said that malnutrition is the primary cause of immunodeficiency worldwide with infants, children, adolescents and the elderly most affected. He added that malnutrition can make an individual more susceptible to infections.

“The underlying cause of poor dietary intake and disease according to UNICEF, are food insecurity, inadequate care and feeding practice like exclusive breastfeeding and an unhealthy household environment and inadequate health services,” he added.

He called on stakeholders, and people connecting across all sections and all parts of the society to address underlying causes of malnutrition.

He also advised that sufficient diet be given to children  to ensure their health.

“People should set a pattern of frequent meals and snacks during the day rather than simply trying to eat more at meals and also, good diet should be given to the children according to the daily need of their bodies to avoid poor nutrition,” Panda advised.