How refuse dumps turn second home of children in Kakuri

The people in the area have attributed the situation to poor sanitation attitude of the people and dumping industrial waste by the industries operating in the area. Several streets and drainages have also become homes to disgusting refuse and debris of all kinds, some of which could be injurious to life.Historically, Kakuri is an old […]

How refuse dumps turn second home of children in Kakuri
How refuse dumps turn second home of children in Kakuri

The people in the area have attributed the situation to poor sanitation attitude of the people and dumping industrial waste by the industries operating in the area. Several streets and drainages have also become homes to disgusting refuse and debris of all kinds, some of which could be injurious to life.
Historically, Kakuri is an old settlement and an industrial area where many companies and factories are located.  It is also the headquarters of Kaduna South Local Government Area.  Yet, there are noticeable development challenges and poor social amenities.
The reason why the refuse heaps in the area are unique is that most of them are found in the drainages and factories’ sewage channels, including those of the shut textile factories.  
When contacted, the General Manager of the Kaduna State Environmental Protection Authority (KEPA) said that the contract to evacuate all refuse heaps in Kaduna metropolis and environs has been given to 29 contractors since October 2013.
 He said that he will order the supervisor covering Kakuri area, Hayatu Abubakar, to immediately contact the contractor, Nchas Nigeria Limited, and a 24-hour deadline will be given to him to clear all the refuse. He threatened that if the contractor failed to do so, the contract would be awarded to someone else and the cost of clearing would be deducted from the money of the initial contractor.
Meanwhile, the supervisor raised the issue of road to  some of the refuse heaps and the need for the people to report such refuse in their areas to KEPA, through their village and district heads.
But up to the time of filing this report, the refuse heaps were yet to be cleared to.
Undoubtedly, Kakuri area of Kaduna State is in dire need of  government attention to give it a facelift. New standard drainages and refuse disposal points need to be built at strategic locations in the industrial town. Other amenities lacking in the area are good roads, safe drinking water and other community empowerment projects.
In fact, it is only when these amenities are put in place that the area can rise to its full imposing height as the industrial area, not only of Kaduna State or the North, but of the nation at large.