How sincere is your apology?

There are people who just tender apology just to keep the paece, they really do not meant it. Simply uttering an apology for an apology to be accepted is not enough and genuine. If you are apologising just to get out of a nasty situation, if you are the boss, then you are only making […]

How sincere is your apology?
How sincere is your apology?

There are people who just tender apology just to keep the paece, they really do not meant it. Simply uttering an apology for an apology to be accepted is not enough and genuine. If you are apologising just to get out of a nasty situation, if you are the boss, then you are only making matters worse because your victims will be put in more pains as they will feel vulnerable and the trust they had in you would have been betrayed.
For some it is viewed as an insult to just utter the apology without being sincere about it. If you find yourself apologising over and over again over the same mistake, this shows lack of remorse and that you really do not care what upsets them or in other words you do not care about them.
One of the best things to show you are being sincere with your apology is not to repeat the mistake which made you in the first place to apologise.
Another important factor is given a genuine meaning to the apology being delivered. Tendering the apologising should be face-to-face without a third a party, except when it has become inevitable, then it can be done through a third party. Delay they say is dangerous, invariably apologising on the spot when it is realised you have offended someone makes it more genuine and sincere. The reason one can apologise by note or by phone is that the mistake was realised at a time the victim was not there.
Apology shows that you respect and care about the person you offended. Apologising in person shows that you are putting a lot of effort to show how remorseful and sincere you are about making amends. Apologising by phone or note should be your last resort if you cannot meet the fellow in the nearest future.
Demonstrate your sincerity by changing your behaviour; it goes a long way in showing the sincerity of your apology. When apologising ensure that you do not trade blame.  You need to realize that sometimes when you apologize sincerely with necessarily getting one back in return. When you realize that you have made a mistake or hurt someone then do not wait too long to give your apology as it may seem less sincere if you wait too long.  No matter how interpersonally competent you are, you are bound to offend someone occasionally and when this happens you need to apologise with all sincerity which in turn shows what strong character and humble you are.
Lynn Johnson says “a sincere apology is the super glue of life and it can repair just about anything, there are many things that can be resolved with a sincere apology”. Regardless of what some might say that apology is no sign of weakness but rather a clear sign of strength and confidence. Offering an apology is always the smartest thing to do as it clears the way for future progress in a relationship.