How the elite can assist in tackling insecurity

Many well to do and influential persons in Nigeria have security personnel attached to them. Some of them even have more than they need and this development is depriving the nation of proper policing. As we are all aware, the country  does not have enough security personnel, so the elite can assist by releasing some […]

How the elite can assist in tackling insecurity
How the elite can assist in tackling insecurity

Many well to do and influential persons in Nigeria have security personnel attached to them. Some of them even have more than they need and this development is depriving the nation of proper policing. As we are all aware, the country  does not have enough security personnel, so the elite can assist by releasing some of those attached to them for the use of the general society.   Today,  people are living in fear. The poor who are majorly farmers can no longer go to the farms for fear of abductors and robbers. And this will further worsen their plight. The government should look into the issue. On several occasions the police have announced the withdrawal of its men from some citizens, but that is never followed through as we still see policemen with wives and children of politicians and other highly placed person. No citizen is greater than another. We are all equal and should be entitled to protection against criminals. I urge the government to look into this matter and free up security personnel so that they can focus on their core mandate.


Nayashi Mansur Salis wrote from Abuja and can be reached at [email protected]