How to attain effective leadership for sustainable success — TEXEM

While the COVID-19 pandemic is essentially a global health crisis, it is safe to say that every sector and the organisations operating in these settings have been affected. Indeed, it remains not only an unprecedented calamity, but it has also triggered, directly or indirectly, many other socio-economic and political pandemics. We won’t allow people denigrate […]

How to attain effective leadership for sustainable success — TEXEM

While the COVID-19 pandemic is essentially a global health crisis, it is safe to say that every sector and the organisations operating in these settings have been affected.

Indeed, it remains not only an unprecedented calamity, but it has also triggered, directly or indirectly, many other socio-economic and political pandemics.

Not only have we seen the deaths of people, but organisations that previously were thriving, have also died. In contrast, others are ailing and are on the verge of being wound up due to the challenging socio-economic headwinds.

However, as bleak as the situation may be, it is worth noting that some organisations have managed to sail through the crisis. These sectors give hope for the world economy and people as these leaders have made deliberate efforts to manage and turn around the situation.

So what’s the secret about such organisations? Is it that they are unique or resistant to the effects of COVID-19? Why are they successfully engaging stakeholders and thriving while others are sadly closing and laying off their staff? Well, without a doubt, there is a leaf to borrow from them.

As an organisational leader, these are the areas that you need to focus on if you want to survive and gradually get back to your pre-pandemic situation. The good news is that you do not have to learn from your mistakes or research alone. You can learn from others.

Most importantly, there are world-renowned thinkers such as TEXEM’s faculties that can guide your recovery towards success.

At TEXEM, we consistently help organisational leaders find pragmatic solutions that can help them overcome the effects of the pandemic and win. We have, therefore, designed a programme in June for you to excel.

It will be entirely virtual so that you can participate in it safely from the comfort of your home, office or on the go. We aim to make you a better and effective leader who inspires your organisation to succeed.

This programme would be delivered by illustrious Oxford trained Professor Roger Delves, Associate Dean and Professor of Practice at Ashridge Executive Education, Hult International Business School, he is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and educated at the University of Oxford.

Professor Roger Delves expertise is in helping others understand the roles of authenticity and emotional intelligence in leadership and team engagement. Professor Roger Delves is a seasoned and first-class coach.

Professor Roger Delves would be applying TEXEM’s tested, proven methodology and track record of training over four thousand executives in delivering this programme.

The programme will run from 12th June to 3rd August 2021, and it is titled Effective Leadership For Sustainable Success. During the learning period, you will enjoy carefully blended sessions that target all the vital areas you need to focus on as you sharpen your leadership quotient to survive and even thrive despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. Most importantly, you will have an opportunity to learn from leading executives.

Participating in the programme will help you enhance your leadership capabilities. More precisely, the programme sessions will help you develop core competencies that you need to implement change at all levels of your organisation during these turbulent times and beyond.

Also, by participating in the Effective Leadership for Sustainable Success programme, you’ll get a chance to learn how to improve performance. You will gain valuable tips on how to boost employee engagement and reduce staff turnover. Thus, you should find ways of making them productive despite the many hindrances and disturbances that COVID-19 has brought to the day-to-day running of organisations.

Being among the programme participants will also give you a rare chance to improve your leadership and managerial skills and abilities. Whether you are running a small or large organisation, managing daily operations, employees, stakeholders, you urgently need to optimise your leadership quotient to thrive. That means you need to get more skills to effectively and efficiently manage your organisation and minimise the effect of the disruption of operations by the pandemic.

Better decision making and building effective teams is also part of the many ways to succeed during these times.

Indeed, there are many benefits that you will enjoy by participating in the programme. As a reminder, it will be a chance for you as a leader to get answers to critical questions such as how to speed up recovery effectively and how to react to failures and challenges that occur amidst these strange times of an unprecedented pandemic.

We at TEXEM are confident that you will find our programme useful. We have a track record of life-changing and highly impactful programmes that have been of great benefits to leaders, especially during these times.

We are confident that you’ll not only be a better leader, but you will also find tips on how to steer your organisation to a more productive level, facilitate recovery and cushion your organisation against future shocks.

Now take a life-defining step and register before it’s too late. Remember that in all our programmes, we always register a high rate of retention of previous participants in our programmes.

To save your spot, visit our website and register. You can participate as an individual or book slots for several leaders from your organisation. Come and learn with us as we explore actionable insights on overcoming the many challenges of these strange times of COVID-19!

For more information, please call +44 7425 883791 or email [email protected] or visit