How to be free from demonic control

A sister testified of how the Lord helped her in one of our meetings. She got married in 1999, and for four years frantically sought both medical and spiritual help to conceive, but she could not. Someone invited her to church and the Lord smiled on through the message. She heard my testimony of another […]

How to be free from demonic control
How to be free from demonic control

sister testified of how the Lord helped her in one of our meetings. She got married in 1999, and for four years frantically sought both medical and spiritual help to conceive, but she could not.

Someone invited her to church and the Lord smiled on through the message. She heard my testimony of another woman, whose case had been written off medically concerning the fruit of the womb, but God intervened in her situation and she became a joyful mother of children.

Immediately after this testimony, her broken spirit was elated and she decided to discuss her issue with me at the close of the service but she could not because too many people were waiting to see me.

Rather, she wrote her plight on a paper and requested for my prayer. She did not make any direct contact with me, but the Lord answered our prayer. Not long after, she discovered she was pregnant and to God be the glory, she delivered safely.

The Lord wiped away her tears with a miracle.

Today, God will wipe away someone’s tears with a miracle, with a breakthrough, in Jesus name!

Bondage is simply DEMONIC CONTROL!

People are in bondage to so many things. Many people are in financial bondage; always owing and in lack. Some people are in bondage to the spirit of hatred and jealousy manifesting in unforgiveness. The pride of life, the lust of the Eyes… flesh, Bondage through our biggest appetites. Self-will and stubbornness are other manifestations of demonic control.

Examples of people recorded to be in bondage in the Bible:

  • A woman was bound by Satan for 18 years though she was a daughter of Abraham (Luke 13:10-18). She was in bondage to disease.
  • A man in the Corinthian church was having an affair with his father’s wife (Sexual bondage, Immorality) 1Cor. 5:1-13. Many are addicted to sex.
  • Satan entered into the heart of Judas to betray Jesus (Luke 22:3).
  • Ananias and Sapphira were filled by Satan and controlled to lie (Lying spirit, Stinginess and Selfishness). They pretended to give more than they actually did. They were taking false glory. Many are addicted to lies.

People are in bondage to so many things.

Some people are in bondage to the spirit of hatred and jealousy manifesting in unforgiveness.

Pride could be an addiction. The pride of life, the lust of the Eyes… flesh, bondage comes through our biggest appetites, self-will and stubbornness.

Other forms of bondage include:

Addictions and substance abuse: alcohol consumption, smoking or tobacco chewing, use of hard drugs like marijuana, cocaine etc. Pornography, superiority/inferiority complex, Tribal bigotry and racism, Anger, wrath and rage, stealing (you’ve heard of kleptomania), Perversions like incest, lesbianism, bestiality (sex with animals), homosexuality and any form of sexual impurity or lust.

Slothfulness, lack of zeal, oversleeping and gluttony, Violent temper and impatience; talkativeness, Gossip and slander, Malice, bitterness, unforgiving spirit and hatred.

10 Keys to freedom

  1. Seek for help. Go for counselling and deliverance. There is nothing to be ashamed of.
  2. Confess every area of bondage and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
  3. Have your mind renewed. Be filled with the Word of God. You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free-John 8:32. You cannot be free until your thinking is right and in line with the Word of God. RIGHT LIVING comes from RIGHT BELIEVING!
  4. Apprehend or arrest every thought as soon as it steps through the doorway of your heart. 2Corinthians 10:4-5 says “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” Filter your thoughts through Philippians 4:8
  5. Bind the spirit behind the thought in the name of Jesus. Resist the devil and he will flee from you-(James 4:7).
  6. Avoid corrupting influences. Don’t feed your mind with filthy literature, video or movies. Carefully select what goes into you. Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life-(Proverbs 4:23).
  7. Avoid relationships and places that predispose you to lust and sin. 1Corinthians 5:11 warns us not to keep company with fornicators. Evil company corrupts good morals.
  8. Be prayerful. “Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation-(Matthew 26:41(a).)” Prayer protects you against Satan’s attempt to come back into your life.
  9. Constantly remember the reward of not allowing sin to triumph over you. Liberty is sweet. You can rise as high as you want.
  10. Turn to Jesus for deliverance. If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed-(John 8:36).

A young man who joined the campus cult was set free in one of our meetings. He vomited a lizard when I ministered to him. He told us that he was given a black concoction to drink during initiation but it was indeed a lizard the devil put inside of him to control his life!

Every evil spirit that has been sent into your life to control and manipulate you leaves you now, in Jesus name!

In one of our meetings the Lord touched a sister in a very interesting way.

Early in that year she went for medical checkup and they discovered she had an ovarian cyst. The thought was so disturbing that she went back again. The report further said that it had increased and that she needed to do something about it immediately.

As I was ministering the Lord asked me to call people that had infirmities and she came out amongst others. Unknown to me what her problem was, I tapped her stomach while I laid hands on other people’s heads. A couple of days later, she went to see a specialist for another checkup. To God be the glory, the OVARIAN CYST had disappeared!

The same Jesus is right where you are to make your problems go away if you believe!

Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.


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