How to bond with your child

It is becoming common for families to unconsciously distance from each other with kids finding comfort with friends outside their homes rather than with their parents and on the other hand parents struggling to make ends meet in today’s ever demanding economy. One can easily conclude that the home is fast becoming just a meeting […]

How to bond with your child
How to bond with your child

It is becoming common for families to unconsciously distance from each other with kids finding comfort with friends outside their homes rather than with their parents and on the other hand parents struggling to make ends meet in today’s ever demanding economy. One can easily conclude that the home is fast becoming just a meeting joint for members of a nuclear family. If you find yourself in this situation, all hope is not lost as it is possible to build, strengthen and to maintain bonds of friendship within your family. However, in order to build bonds of friendship within your family, you are going to have to be willing to give to your family that most precious part of your time.
In order to build strong bonds within your family, you need to create an atmosphere where each members of the family feels safe and accepted. It is important to joke around, but don’t let it be at the expense of individual family members. Teach your kids to respect and be kind to each other. But remember that they will learn respect and understanding from how you lead by example.
Building good relationships with kids does not really have to be an all day affair. Little conversations, little gestures of comfort, little things that you do every day be it for some seconds, minutes, few hours are enough especially when they are done with sincerity and commitment to strengthening and building the required bonds with your children.
Relationships between any parent and child can be complex; all people are unique with varied likes and dislikes, needs, wants and abilities. What works for one parent to bond with one child may not work for another, so, one has to study and understand the needs of each and every child to be able to bond meaningfully and effectively with their parents.
There are various ways one could build closer bonds with the child. First, from the very day the child is born a special bond should be built. “Parents who have stayed connected to their children from infancy will carry on the relationship through the more challenging adolescent and teenage years,” says psychologist, Dr. Charles La Vorga.  Second, develop and share special and common interest in your child, in trying to achieve this, you have to learn your child’s hobbies and characters and try to get involved in them.
Another way you can create special bond with your child is appreciating your child’s talent. There is the tendency that your child might not always like what you like because as individuals, they also have their likes and dislikes. You do not expect your child to be just like you in everything. This can be an avenue to foster a positive bond with your child. You can focus on the similarities rather than nagging about the differences you both might have.
A parent-child bond is no doubt fundamental yet very difficult to evolve and nurture as the child grows older. Family relationships, especially those between kids and parents can be difficult to navigate, but the rewards are worth the effort. Most people think they need to do big things, but it’s the small ones you regularly do count most.
Regular family time is the key to building and maintaining family bonds. Parents and children should aim to eat one meal together each day. Share things that are happening in our lives and ask lots of questions about things your children are interested in.
Always try to behave positively around your kids as they learn by imitating whatever they see their parents do. They will often follow your lead on how to deal with anger and solve problems through difficult times. You should also learn to be there for them during their difficult times, share their problems and they will feel free to confide in you. Kids learn from their choices and mistakes, to make the bond stronger give you child the liberty to make some choices and respect those choices as long as they do not in any way have severe consequences for them and if they do have minor consequences then they should be able to learn from their mistakes, it’s all part of making them face  the future.
Another problem that also tends to teer parents and children apart is when parents do not listen to the views of their kids and just go ahead to imposing those stands without first understanding the situation form the point of view of the child.
A parent-child bond is the most beautiful thing in the life of every parent especially the mother and yet the most difficult to foster and maintain. But with commitment and dedication it is achievable and could be the most rewarding thing on earth as in the long run it set a positive legacy for the kids to build their lives and future on.