How to celebrate election victory

The long-awaited 2023 general election in Nigeria has come and gone with the exception of some places where elections were declared inconclusive. The way people celebrate an election victory varies depending on the culture, country, level of political socialization and individual preferences. It’s important to note that celebrations should always be respectful and inclusive of […]

How to celebrate election victory
How to celebrate election victory

The long-awaited 2023 general election in Nigeria has come and gone with the exception of some places where elections were declared inconclusive.

The way people celebrate an election victory varies depending on the culture, country, level of political socialization and individual preferences.

It’s important to note that celebrations should always be respectful and inclusive of all people, regardless of political beliefs. It’s also important to follow any local regulations regarding gatherings and celebrations.

The political parties, supporters and candidates often organise parties and gatherings to celebrate their election victories. They may hold rallies, parades, and other events to show their excitement and enthusiasm.

Fireworks are a popular way to celebrate election victories. They are often used to symbolize the victory and to show the joy and happiness of the supporters in a more civilized manner.

In some instances, traditional festivals are held to celebrate election victories. For example, in India, the festival of Holi is often celebrated after an election victory.

While celebrating election victory is an important part of the democratic process, it’s also important to remember to celebrate responsibly and respectfully.

It’s never appropriate to use violence or vandalism to celebrate an election victory. Celebrations should always be peaceful and non-destructive.

The party faithful should do away with using hate speech or engaging in discriminatory behaviour towards individuals or groups who may not have supported the winning candidate or party. Celebrations should be inclusive and respectful of all people.

Celebrations should always be conducted in accordance with local laws and regulations. This includes not blocking streets or disrupting traffic, not drinking and driving, and not engaging in any other illegal activities.

In the course of celebration, bullying or harassing individuals who may not have supported the winning candidate or party is never acceptable. Celebrations should be positive and respectful towards all individuals, regardless of their political beliefs.

Conclusively, celebrations should always be conducted in a peaceful, respectful, and responsible manner. Remember to celebrate in a way that is inclusive and respectful of all individuals, regardless of their religious, regional, or political inclinations.


Garba Adamu Gwangwangwan resides in  Bauchi, [email protected]