How to change seasons

It is clear that seasons can change and do change. The Bible makes it clear that God changes times and seasons (Daniel 2:21). We are made in his image after his likeness therefore we can change times and seasons. SOME Seasons change naturally, but you can force your season to change if you know what […]

How to change seasons
How to change seasons

It is clear that seasons can change and do change. The Bible makes it clear that God changes times and seasons (Daniel 2:21). We are made in his image after his likeness therefore we can change times and seasons.

SOME Seasons change naturally, but you can force your season to change if you know what controls that season. Some seasons are prolonged; others are short. But in some places, seasons are permanent.

We have spiritual seasons, financial seasons, emotional seasons, etc.

Everything you are doing today is creating your future.

Signals for change

• Restlessness and discontent.

• Pain. It may be the only signal you need for change.

• Lack. When the brook dries up, it is a signal for change. Dryness is a signal for change.

• Stagnation

5 Things guaranteed to change your season

1. Set Goals. You must decide where you’ll rather be otherwise you’ll never leave where you are! Mike Murdock says the day you make a decision about your life is the day your world will change. If you are unhappy with where you are, it is a proof there is a better place for you and that it is time to make moves for that place.

2. Be a worshipper. It changes the battle in your favour by bringing God into the scene. Changed a season of incarceration to liberation for Paul and Silas.

3. Fast and pray. Something happens in God’s presence that does not happen anywhere else. You receive power, grace, wisdom and lots more! Elijah spent quality time in the presence of God; he changed seasons for a whole nation! 1Kings 17; James 5:17-18. You can change seasons for yourself and family and those around you through prayer. You can create a favourable season for yourself and loved ones and you can create an unfavourable season for your enemies through prayer. Isaac terminated barrenness through prayer and ushered in a season of fruitfulness for his wife Rebecca (Genesis 25:21).

In the famous teaching on the mount, the Lord Jesus revealed that genuine fasting is one of the things the Father rewards. The others are prayer as well as generous giving. One does not take the place of the other. “But when you fast, comb your hair and wash your face. 18Then no one will suspect you are fasting, except your Father, who knows what you do in secret. And your Father, who knows all secrets, will reward you.” Matthew 6:17(NLT)

There are demonic problems that will not be solved without engaging this powerful instrument of spiritual warfare-fasting (Matthew 17:21; Mark 9:29).

Join in the 21 days prayer and fasting which began on the 1st of January, 2015 to change your story and create an enviable future!

4. Sow sacrificially. God’s recipe for changing financial seasons is sowing of sacrificial seeds. Every seed carries an instruction to multiply after its kind; it is activated when planted. A widow woman was pulled from the brink of disaster by sowing a significant seed- her last meal. She threw everything she had left at her problem. Her harvest was immediate. 1Kings 17:7-16. She moved from ‘I have not’ to ‘I have plenty’. A significant seed is the requirement for this kind of immediate divine intervention.

Her seed did what her tears could not; her seed did what her pity party could not. Her sacrificial seed did what her prayer could not. Her seed did for her what her friends and family could not. You can live in the same house with a person, worship in the same church, pray the same prayers and receive the same anointing, but if you don’t sow seeds like the other person, you will dry up financially while the one sowing seeds will be prospering. You are at the mercy of poverty and lack if you think it is a waste to sow seeds into the work of the gospel.

A farmer, who has not planted his seed, cannot pray for a bountiful harvest. Isaac reaped a hundred fold the same year he sowed and was delivered from the famine that ravaged the land. It was not prayer that delivered him; it was his seed. Genesis 26:12

When you make things happen for others, God will make things happen in your life!

5. Honour divinely ordained changed agents. Your next season could be tied to a change agent. People carry different anointing: some carry the anointing for dryness; others carry the anointing for fruitfulness and prosperity. Delilah was the undoing of Samson. I pray that every Delilah in your life be forcefully removed now in the name of Jesus! God has ordained someone to help you to your next level.

Ruth’s season changed when she met Boaz. There is a Boaz ordained to change your season and your life. I call forth your Boaz into your life right now in Jesus name.

It could be a prophet you need to change your seasons. A widow whose children were about to be taken as slaves by a creditor because she could not pay the debt owed by her late husband met Elisha the prophet; her season changed! Elijah changed seasons for a nation. Moses changed seasons for Israel. God sent me to be a change agent; to raise shining stars! Therefore whatever has been preventing you from rising to stardom loses its power now, in Jesus name!

Relationships that nurture you must be carefully and diligently nurtured. Connect with people with wisdom and spiritual power to reach your destiny.

6. Obey divine instruction. The difference between seasons is information. The instruction you obey, determines the future you create. The key to enjoying the anointing of a prophet is doing whatever the prophet says. The widow woman obeyed Elisha by pouring from her small bottle of oil into vessels she borrowed; she had a miraculous turnaround. The servants at the wedding in Cana of Galilee filled the water pots with water as Jesus commanded them; miracle wine resulted and shame was averted. Lack was liquidated. Mary the mother of Jesus had earlier told them, “Whatever He says to you, do it!” That is the key; doing what the Lord commands through His prophet! There is a prophet over your life- your pastor. Obey him and you will not know lack in your life. Obey him and you will be delivered from every awkward situation. I must caution here that there are some people parading themselves as prophets who are not sent by God.

Welcome to a new season of breakthrough and peace. This year God will bring you out of failure and establish you in success; out of poverty and establish you in prosperity. He will bring you out of lack and establish you in abundant wealth. God will take you to greater heights! In this New Year, He will establish you permanently in leadership. He will establish you permanently at the top and in front! God will establish peace in this nation, in Jesus name!!!


Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria

& President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.


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