How to handle competitive coworkers

Most workers want a working environment that is condusive and also understanding coworkers they can easily get along with in order to enjoy their job. Competition is normal among employees and this can be in relation to office work or in some cases one’s personal life. Workers who have an overly competitive attitude can make […]

How to handle competitive coworkers
How to handle competitive coworkers

Most workers want a working environment that is condusive and also understanding coworkers they can easily get along with in order to enjoy their job. Competition is normal among employees and this can be in relation to office work or in some cases one’s personal life. Workers who have an overly competitive attitude can make it difficult for others to achieve their goals. Are there limits to workplace competition and how does one handle a competitive coworker? Some respondents expressed different but interesting views on the issue.
Twenty-eight-year-old lawyer, Ilhaam Ahmed, believes that in every office, there is some sort of competition. She says competition could be a positive force that pushes workers to do their best while on the other hand it could have negative impact on workers as well. “For instance, when coworkers compete with each other, they tend to put in their best in whatever they do, thereby strengthening the company production wise and also increasing their job security and potential rewards. When there is a competitive coworker, the person would go out of his or her way to please the boss in order to be referred to as one of the company’s best and if such happens, other workers would also try to do play their cards well so as to step up their game. In this case, competition will impact the office in a positive way because the more efforts put in by workers, the higher the productivity,” Ahmed states.
She however, adds that competition can at the same time also be destructive when a very competitive coworker is willing to step on another employee’s head to reach his goals: “There are people who are naturally unable to stand competition. When they see that a coworker is up for competition, they tend to lose focus and determination. As a result, they become destabilised and unable to perform their tasks. For some, they could even end up losing their jobs due to poor performance. The truth is there is competition in every workplace just that each worker has to find a way to deal with that. The best way to handle a competitive coworker is by putting in extra efforts toward achieving your goals. Also try to build strong relationships with other coworkers and maintain the work relationship so as to work better because the stronger the team, the more effective it will be.”
Ibrahim Lawal, a civil servant in his mid-30s, believes that competition is unavoidable in every workplace. He said it is something that happens on daily basis and that without it there isn’t any workplace that would move forward.
“Competition is an important factor because it keeps workers alert and ready to work. However, it has its limits because they say too much of everything is bad. Workers should learn to accept people with different sense of reasoning. As a worker, the best way to overcome a competitive coworker is by showing the person you don’t even know what they are up to. Pretend as though you don’t know they are competing against you. Be casual and friendly, do not ever condemn his or her work, rather just focus on yourself and be better than who you were yesterday. Finally, the competitive coworker would adjust and probably stop competing. Well, even if he or she doesn’t stop completely because for some people it runs in their blood, the level of competition will reduce to an extent and you will get some breathing space,” Lawal advised.
Grace Tarfa, 26, a beautician, says that competition takes place in almost all workplaces. In fact it has become a workplace culture but it varies in each office. Some workplaces give room for competition while others don’t really encourage their staff to compete when it comes to office related work. “Honestly for me, I think competition is very much needed in every workplace because it has the advantage of making people work harder which is very good for the company at large and the workers as well. The only instance where competition should not be entertained is when you have a competition that is associated with worker’s personal lives. For example, my sister is a civil servant and in her office, there is this particular coworker that is very competitive. Whatever she sees my sister with, she wouldn’t hesitate to ask how much and where she bought that specific thing. When my sister buys an expensive fabric, jewelry or wristwatch, the coworker would make sure she buys the same type as my sisters. This is crazy, why would she be competing with my sister like she is her rival or co-wife. I mean this is ridiculous, just because they work in the same place doesn’t mean she should be competing with her outside of office related work.”
Tarfa explained that as human beings, competition is one of the characteristics God has created us with. Though, there are limits. People do things that are uncalled for all in the name of competition. Work competition is essential because it boosts workers morale, any other kinds of competition aside from work shouldn’t be accepted for whatsoever reason.
An accountant and father of two, Joseph Yusuf says: “I focus on my work and do my thing my own way but if I still notice my competitive coworker is trying to get at me, I show the other side of me which is not good at all. When people take me for granted and think they can just ruin me and get away free. Now that is when they get to see the monster in me. I don’t tolerate nonsense and therefore, I address them and tell them to stay off my way. Surprisingly this works for me, you know how quiet people usually react when they are pushed to the wall. Their reaction is normally disastrous, that is how I deal with competitive colleagues.”