How to handle problematic people at work

The office is a place where you meet different category of people.  Ranging from the bullies to the whiners, the gossip and to the know it all. Getting along with all people could prove to be a herculean task.  Ideally you can put up with such people in a mature way without being seen as […]

How to handle problematic people at work
How to handle problematic people at work

The office is a place where you meet different category of people.  Ranging from the bullies to the whiners, the gossip and to the know it all. Getting along with all people could prove to be a herculean task.  Ideally you can put up with such people in a mature way without being seen as one of them yourself. These are some tips on how to go about handling such people.

Bullies are people who push others around to accept either their own perceptions or opinions of a situation. They also like others to follow their own way of doing things. It does not matter whether that way is wrong or  impossible. Bullies recognize two sets of people; the strong and the weak. To the bullies the weak do not matter, but once you prove to them that you are the strong type though not through violent means, they would instantly want to be friends with you.

An office whiner, to this category of people complaining has become part of their way of life. They generally view themselves as helpless. Though listening to the complaints of colleagues are times good, because it offers an opportunity for improvement and new innovations. On the other hand, try to encourage the office whiner to find solutions to the problems he or she is complaining about instead of whining about things in the office. When you investigate, you will find out that they are sometimes incompetent and do not know how to go about their respective delegated duties. When you pose this question to them it will go a long way to reduce the way they whine about things in the office.

The office gossip; this particular set always have no serious work to do. Even if they have, they do not give particular attention to it.  All they do is to go about from office to office spreading rumor and ill related feelings about people in the office.  They try to generate bad blood amongst co-workers, thereby creating enemity among workers. The best way to handle such office gossips is to stay clear of such people and do not give them room to start any conversation.

Office gossips ignite wild fire in any society. So, when you see an office gossip approaching your way, try to put up an appearance that you are on an urgent assignment and the boss is on your neck for the result. If you cannot completely avoid the gossip, try to discourage the person politely from gossiping.  Though this could be difficult and even lead to the person to start spreading nasty comments about you. You should also beware that if you entertain office gossips, they would talk about you talk to others, the way will talk to you about others. Beware of what you say to them as it may be used against you in the vent the bubble burst.

I-too-know people are usually smart with perfectionist tendencies and a deep understanding of the topic being discussed.

They believe that they are always in charge. They believe that they are the best and no one knows better than they do. To them you are nothing until you have established yourself as an expert on the topic discussed. Generally when having a conversation with a know-it-all person; do not try to contradict the persons logic. They generally have superiority complex issues with people who tend to question their intelligence. Think carefully before you engage such people in conversations or you will end up feeling like you never attended kindergarten.