How to maintain healthy eyes

Maintaining healthy eyes is a conscious and deliberate effort to keep your precious eyes preserved. Although, healthy food is one of the ways to protect your eyes, there are also other ways to keep your eyes healthy. The following foods and tips would help you maintain healthy eyes. Do you know that you can prevent […]

How to maintain healthy eyes

Maintaining healthy eyes is a conscious and deliberate effort to keep your precious eyes preserved. Although, healthy food is one of the ways to protect your eyes, there are also other ways to keep your eyes healthy. The following foods and tips would help you maintain healthy eyes.

Do you know that you can prevent some eye conditions with a healthy diet? Some preventable eye conditions include cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, dry eyes, and poor night vision among others. Incorporating a balanced diet during your day with foods rich in proteins, dairy, fruits, and vegetables would keep some eye conditions at bay.

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Healthy foods for your eyes are generally available all year long for a reasonable price. You can enjoy them on their own or in recipes that are more complex.

Fish, particularly salmon, can be a great food to consume for eye health. Salmon and other fish have omega-3 fatty acids. These are “healthy” fats. Omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to visual development and the health of the retina in the back of the eye. They can also help prevent dry eyes. Consider incorporating fish into your meal plan a few days a week.

Eggs are a great food to eat for eye health. The yolks contain vitamin A, lutein, zeaxanthin, and zinc, which are all vital to eye health. Vitamin A safeguards the cornea. The cornea is the surface of the eye. Lutein and zeaxanthin lower the chance of getting serious eye conditions like age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Zinc contributes to the health of the retina. The retina is the back of the eye. Zinc also helps eyes see at night. Eggs are extremely versatile and can work for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A simple way to enjoy eggs is by hard-boiling them. Try them in salads and sandwiches.

Dairy products such as milk and yogurt can be good for the eyes. They contain vitamin A as well as the mineral zinc. Vitamin A protects the cornea while zinc helps bring that vitamin to the eyes from the liver. Zinc is found throughout the eye, especially the retina and choroid, which is the vascular tissue that lies under the retina. This important mineral helps with night vision as well as the prevention of cataracts. Dairy from grass-fed cows provides the most benefits.

Carrots are well-known to be good for eye health. Like egg yolks, carrots have vitamin A whichhelps the surface of the eye and can also help prevent eye infections and other serious eye conditions. Carrots are easy to eat on the go.

Oranges and other citrus fruit contain vitamin C, which is key for eye health. The vitamin, found mainly in fresh fruits and vegetables, contributes to healthy blood vessels in your eyes. It can combat the development of cataracts, and in combination with other vitamins and nutrients, age-related macular degeneration

Other ways you can keep your eyes healthy include visiting an eye doctor every one to two years, wearing sunglasses when outdoors, avoiding smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight and blood sugar



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