How to make your husband a happy man

‘Sorry’ There are times when arguments come up and we must understand that an argument is like fire in the house. Extinguish any argument with a simple ‘I’m sorry’ even if it is not your fault. When you fight back, you are only adding fuel to the fire. Watch how sweetly an argument will end […]

How to make your husband a happy man
How to make your husband a happy man


There are times when arguments come up and we must understand that an argument is like fire in the house. Extinguish any argument with a simple ‘I’m sorry’ even if it is not your fault. When you fight back, you are only adding fuel to the fire. Watch how sweetly an argument will end when you just say sincerely, ‘I’m sorry.’ No matter how hard it is, just try and it works wonders.

‘Thank you’

A lot of women lack the spirit of appreciation, says Mr. Tony Osunbor, a newlywed civil servant. “A simple ‘thank you’ to your husband constantly for the nice things he does shows you care and appreciate all his efforts. This is an important technique most women have failed to utilize to get the love of their husbands,” he said.

Sherifat Oladele, a nursery school teacher, said no matter what her husband gets or buys for her, she shows utmost happiness. “He once got me a handbag whose colour is my least favourite, but it would have been silly of me to say that, so I accepted it with thanks, even sporting it to work the very next day.”

Value of humour

When last did you share a joke or play games with your husband? Men tend to lean towards women who have a sense of humor. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was reported to have told men to marry someone who would make them laugh, and one they’d in turn make laugh, too. “My husband is a military officer, so at work I’d scour for army-related jokes,” said Ronke Macintosh, a housewife in Kaduna. She added that she would then share them with her husband over Blackberry and make his day at work lighter. “He’d come home and be smiling at me from the door,” she said.


Always look pretty for him. Most women have the notion that they can only put on their best clothes and make up when they are going out for an occasion. As a wife, continue to use the jewelry that you have and the pretty dresses for your husband and not for the people outside your home.

Spick and span

Make sure the home is clean and neat. When he husband comes home, greet him with a smile. Imagine your husband coming home to a clean house, an exquisitely dressed wife and a dinner prepared with care. Now imagine what the opposite does to him. Sure any woman interested in making her husband happy would settle for the latter.


Listen to his problems and show concern. When you do this, you endear yourself to him. He could be having some work problems with that horrible boss of his, or car issues with the auto mechanic, thus in the mood to vent. Listen, listen and listen. Talk only when needed, until he’s done. This works magic!

Admit imperfection

Ladi Usman, a 27-year-old banker, said while the aforementioned elements are important to making one’s husband happy, it is also important to make it clear that nobody’s perfect and even the happiest marriage is a work-in-progress. The Kaduna-based mother of two said: “Be patient and you’ll get patience in return, respect and you’ll get respect in return. Most importantly, love and you’ll get loved in return. Isn’t that what happiness is all about?”