How to position yourself for divine encounter

Luke 13:10-17, “And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath. [11] And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. [12] And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto […]

How to position yourself for divine encounter

Luke 13:10-17, “And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath. [11] And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. [12] And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity.”

This miracle angered the ruler of the synagogue but Jesus responded as follows:

“[16] And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day? [17] And when he had said these things, all his adversaries were ashamed: and all the people rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him.”

Wikipedia defines a miracle as an event that seems inexplicable by natural or scientific laws.

A miracle is the manifestation of the glory of God designed to bring honour to His Name. It is a divine encounter that terminates demonic afflictions, solves problems, and transforms a person’s life in a way that cannot be explained by any known law. Like parting of the Red Sea, Raising the dead, making water come out of the rock, making an old woman to conceive and deliver at the age of 90, making a virgin to conceive and deliver a healthy baby, etc.

Someone is going to have a life-changing divine encounter today!

Miracles demonstrate the deep love of God for mankind, display the power of God, confirm the reality of His existence, strengthen the faith of believers, produce faith in unbelievers, and demonstrate the sovereignty of God.

Today, someone is going to have a life-changing encounter with the God of miracles!

The question is how do you obtain a miracle?

God establishes patterns and systems for accessing certain dimensions of privileges and blessings. These patterns or systems position you for divine encounter that will release the power of God into your life or situation to bring about supernatural turnaround. It is your understanding and engagement of these systems that determine how much you flourish in life as a child of God. One of such is faith. Faith is a system that was introduced to humanity through Abraham. He became the reference point for establishing a beneficial relationship with God through faith. Another is sacrifice. Covenants are enacted through sacrifice to access some dimensions of blessing and breakthrough. Remember Noah, Abraham and ultimately the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb-the Lord Jesus.

I want to show you one cheap way that is guaranteed to strategically position you for divine encounter. I want to teach you a cheap secret for accessing the power of God for needed help.

Be regular church. The Temple is a guaranteed place to experience divine encounter. Miracles can happen anywhere but there are certain atmospheres in which the Spirit of God cannot operate. There is an atmosphere in which the probability of a divine encounter is very high. If you want help, you must position yourself there.

Listen, places matter. God created an atmosphere of His presence called Eden for Adam and his wife to enable them flourish. The equivalent today is the church. The church is not a place of mere religious gathering or a place to come and socialize, it is the place where the presence of God is guaranteed. Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” There is no other place on earth where such is promised. God’s intention is for the church to be a place of refuge for His children and mankind. It follows after the pattern of Noah’s Ark. It is a system designed to guarantee the safety of anyone inside it. The Bible says in Obadiah 1:17, “But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” A place where we can always have access to His presence and receive everything we need.

The church is the place of organized worship. Do you have a choir in your house? The church is the place of organized teaching and preaching and training. The church is the seat of power!

Coming to church positions you for divine encounter. Worship prepares your heart to focus on God and invokes His presence while the preaching of the Word helps you to develop the faith you require to secure your miracle.

Two people can attend the same Service and have different results. It depends on their focus.

You should always think of having an encounter with God each time you come to church. You should have a sense of anticipation and expectation whenever you are coming to church. Those who are focused on meeting Jesus in church don’t care where they seat, how they are received, how the choir is singing or whether the preacher is speaking good English or not!

The woman in this miracle was oppressed and tormented by the devil for eighteen years, but she did not allow her problem to keep her away from church. She could have been discouraged after eighteen years, but she kept coming.

In Mark 3:1-5, the Lord again healed a man with a paralyzed hand in the synagogue. What if he was not in church?

The encounter that changed Hannah’s life did not happen in her house, it happened in the church, in Shiloh.

The physical place of worship is so powerful that people can have a miracle even within the vicinity of the church! A crippled man at the Gate of the Temple was healed by the hands of Peter and John just for being in the vicinity of the temple. A man who was having serious abdominal problem came to our church at night when there was nobody around except the security people. He got healed as soon as he entered into the church compound.

The enemy is so scared of you coming to church that he will do everything possible to keep you away. He will make someone to offend you or do something that will drive you away from church. You need to establish the fact that you are in the house of God to worship and serve Him. Someone is going to have an encounter today, in the name of Jesus!

Once you are in church, call on the name of the Lord and ask for help. Acts 2:21, “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Elijah called on the name of the Lord, fire fell from heaven. Whenever you say, ‘In the Name of Jesus’, you are saying I invoke the authority and power of Jesus over my situation. No power on earth can resist that! When you have a dental problem, you look for a dentist. Romans 10:13, (AMP) “For everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord [invoking Him as Lord] will be saved.” Whenever you call upon the name of the Lord, you are invoking Him as Lord over that situation. You are bringing His power and authority to bear over that situation.

Get ready to experience the power of God as we lift up the name of Jesus in worship. Bring your case to our Saviour, Redeemer and Deliverer and He will give you all the help you need.

Bishop Dr Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.