THE BEARING: Has The Boy Child Truly Been Neglected By Society?

  Download Here     Over the years, the boy child has been excused for whatever behavior he puts up, under the guise of ‘Boys will be boys.’ Hence more attention is given to the girl child. NIGERIA DAILY: How Best To Give Zakat Al Fitr   THE BEARING: What You Should Know About Teenage […]

THE BEARING: Has The Boy Child Truly Been Neglected By Society?

Neglect of the Boy child


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Over the years, the boy child has been excused for whatever behavior he puts up, under the guise of ‘Boys will be boys.’ Hence more attention is given to the girl child.

NIGERIA DAILY: How Best To Give Zakat Al Fitr


THE BEARING: What You Should Know About Teenage Girls


Advocacy for the girl-child is prevalent in many societies today with little for the boy child, yet they co-exist in the same society.

In this episode of The Bearing, we look at why society has neglected the boy child.