How to raise money for your degree by planting trees
So I told the students three reasons why they should plant trees

How to raise money for your degree by planting trees
On Wednesday (November 13, 2019) in Minna, during the Edufest of FOMWAN School, I was asked to talk to students about the benefits of tree planting.
So I told the students three reasons why they should plant trees:
1. To protect the environment, each student should plant a tree for every birthday. So if you’re nine years old, you should plant nine trees as oxygen factories and for carbon sequestration. (I got the birthday idea from Dr. Abdul Hussain, PermSec Lands.)
2. University fund – if a child in primary 3 plants a tree today, in the next 10 years or fewer, each tree will give him/her N10,000 from its fruits. That means 20 trees will give him/her N200,000 to pay for university tuition. There is also the joy of growing up with the trees.
3. A child can start a tree planting business today and make money to support their parents by selling seedlings. (I thought them how to multiply trees through air layering.)
Following are the comments received and questions I was asked when I posted the idea on the social media:
Yomi Sam:
An excellent initiative Sir. I love the idea of educating them so early on how they can use just one step to secure both a beautiful environmental and sustainable financial future.
Suleiman Baba Umar:
Dr, you are writing your name on a rock. One day we would look back and say you ignited this revolution .
Mohammed Bala:
The only problem is how to acquire the land sir. How do we get the land?
Ibrahim Usman Agaie:
Quiet educating…more grace Doc.
Mohammed Baba Ali:
I’ve always had a burning ambition to have a food forest, but that’s being thwarted so far by my financial strength.
Mohammed Baba Ali , you can start a little. Plant 10 trees and increase later.
Mohammed Bala, you can plant at home. You only need a few trees to start e.g. 20.
Dr. Hadiza Kere Abdurraman:
Please how can we join this initiative?
Dr. Hadiza Kere Abdulrahman, you can join the initiative in many ways.
-You can plant an orchard at home.
– You can plant a food forest in the farm.
– You can donate trees to students.
– You can plant as investment for children.
– Or investment for special occasions such as Hajj. Whichever plan you want, we will help you plant.
Bashiru Musa:
Does this include Mango and guava?
Yes. We have donated and planted over 20 different varieties of fruit trees.
Dr. Babangida Ibrahim:
This is entirely a good concept from an environmental protection perspectives sir. However, I am struggling to see it as asource of finance relating to the university funding sir, as there is no Lifetime guarantee that all d trees planted will grow at d same pace, if they do, it is difficult to agree dat all will bear fruits to raise equal amounts. This is especially bcos there is also no guarantee of Marketing dem at d same time. Hence, it may well be a good idea to encourage a child to go into farming and also learn to protect d environment as a contribution to depleting resources sir.
Thanks for your insights. It is true. There’s no guarantee. But so it is in every business.
However, I’ve been doing tree planting for years. And my numbers check out. In India, for example, people invest in tree planting for their retirement. They never say because there is no guarantee, they wouldn’t do it.
Dr. Babangida Ibrahim:
Sorry it is only my opinion. Children should be encouraged but the aim should not be for university funding because there are so many factors that will downplay that aim. Your idea is welcomed and not only for the children but even parents. But we should bear in mind that what works for Mr A may not necessarily works for Mr B (risk factor). Keep it up sir.
Ojewola Olawale:
How can we get it? I’m from Eruwa, Ibarapa East of Oyo State.
Ojewola Olawale, we can transport to you anywhere in Nigeria except Sambisa.
Sani Isa:
Dr. Abdul Hussain may have tapped his idea from Dr. Hawa Habu’s book – “EVERY NIGERIAN CAN BE A MILLIONAIRE”
NUC should have legalised the book as the main content of GST. She actually did emphasize planting a tree the very day a child is born and advised investing the proceeds in shares. She concluded that at 20, the child has no excuse for not being a millionaire.